Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Honoring Noah Pozner

ABC News has published a special report discussing the Pozner family, HONR, hoaxers, and assault weapons.

It really is must see.

"Honouring Noah"

Veronique Pozner has “cried enough tears to fill an ocean” in the past three years. Her six-year-old son Noah was ripped from her by a man with a military style assault rifle at Sandy Hook school, Connecticut, in December 2012. 


Full link:

Monday, June 27, 2016

Hoaxer Able1212 John Santiago - What you need to know

Depression, drug use, violent video games, run in's with the police, paranoid delusions, guns, phone calls all over the state; meet hoaxer John Santiago of New London, Connecticut.  A man who openly warns society that he has nothing to lose.  Nothing at all.

John A. Santiago, Jr. has had an encounter with the Newtown PD and has posted it online. The video is getting some chatter within the hoaxer community.  Prior to this encounter, Santiago was allegedly making dozens of phone calls in and around the Newtown.  Santiago spends much time accusing people of being part of the "vast government conspiracy" regarding numerous events, including Sandy Hook.  Newtown apparently showed up to issue him a warning to stop calling town attorney Monte Frank, when Santiago went ballistic.

A quick side note: This is not a "dox" of Santiago. Santiago is perfectly open about about his identity and proud of his antics. "Able1212" and "Scratching the Surface" are long time alternate identities that have do with his floundering rapping hobby. He openly uses his name and photos on his channels.  "Able" is even tattooed on his chest. "Able" may even be a whole other personality.

Santiago fancies himself a "journalist"; although, I was unable to find anything he had written other than updating his Facebook with wild-eyed nonsense.

Now the video:

As stated earlier, Santiago has made dozens of calls and he promises to release more of them. 
 In this video, he appears to be claiming to have only made one call.  He often admits how many calls he has really made.

Santiago's claim to fame is calling FBI Special Agent Bill Aldenberg.  While actually debunking himself by proving Aldenberg's existence,  SA Aldenberg is the FBI agent who responded to Sandy Hook. Hoaxers claim a parent dressed up like Aldenberg.

Apparently, Newtown has grown weary of Santiago's shenanigans.

Hoaxer leadership, on the other hand are snapping quick to his side. I wouldn't be surprised to see fundraiser benefiting Sandy Hook Justice in honor of Santiago's confrontation with Newtown officers.

Right on cue, Wolfgang seized the opportunity to raise some money for himself off of Santiago's video:

Violent threats
Santiago makes many comments that are reasonably construed as threats, such ad this threat on the life of Lenny Pozner:

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sandy Hook: Nancy Lanza Death Certificate and Birth Record

*Another Sandy Hook Facts Exclusive*

Sandy Hook Facts exclusively releases the Death Certificate of Nancy Lanza as part of continuing research into the Sandy Hook shooting.  The Death Certificate is certified by the Newtown Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia Halsted would hold up in any court of law.

This is the third death certificate that has been released through Sandy Hook Facts.

Nancy Lanza Social Security Death Index

The Lanza's post-Sandy Hook
 The Lanza's conduct towards the public release of information has been egregious. The Lanza's created, armed, and loosed a shooter on a elementary school . The Lanza's then covered up for their Animal, refusing to release and refusing to allow Connecticut State Police to release any public information that my assist people, including health care and mental health professionals, in investigating the shooter or his motives.  Photos, videos, writings are all off limits as the Lanza's strictly control the release of information.

Due to the Lanza's failure to release information on Animal, they have re-victimized the families of victims by forcing them endure additional burden as these families try to find answers and as they face an onslaught of hoaxers.

Tracing the Lanza's
Numerous hoaxers spread the disinformation no evidence of the Lanza family.  Despite the efforts of the Lanza's to scrub themselves from the internet, this is untrue and easily debunked.

Video debunking- Sandy Hook Covenant series: Birth records  & Honor roll

Video release of Nancy Lanza's death certificate - Nancy Lanza Death Certificate

Official record of live birth for Nancy Lanza (1960), Ryan Lanza (1988), and Adam Lanza (1992) can be found here. New Hampshire Official Record Archive
University of New Hampshire Digital Collection

Friday, June 17, 2016

Sandy Hook Bushmaster Lawsuit - Remington concedes Adam Lanza did it

Sandy Hook Hoax Bushmaster Lawsuit -
Remington concedes Adam Lanza did the shooting
with their Bushmaster Rifle - those facts not at issue!

"You ridiculous hoaxers who thought Remington would embarrass themselves with hoax nonsense are hereby debunked by the Remington companies themselves." - Sandy Hook Facts

Preface: To the average person, this might seem a rather odd post because it restates obvious and known facts; however, you must realize that this blog often addresses and/or debunks Sandy Hook hoaxer conspiracy theorists who believe that Sandy Hook is a illusion, FEMA drill, lizard people invasion, Illuminati playbook, Zionist plot, mockingjay scheme, Batman symbolgy uber conspiracy controlled by Masons.

Hoaxer Claim "No Lawsuits": For two years after the shooting, Sandy Hook hoaxers claimed the families would not file a lawsuit related to Sandy Hook because the families fear discovery.

Many posts and videos were made with the claim:

Hoaxers were debunked when ten families of deceased victims and Natalie Hammond (wounded lead SHS teacher) filed a lawsuit versus the manufacturers (Remington, Bushmaster, Camfour, etc) as well as the dealer of the Bushmaster XM-15; the rifle used by the Sandy Hook Shooter shooter.  For this article, I will refer to the defendants collectively as "Remington"

Hoaxers were further debunked when two families filed a negligence suit versus Newtown.   A settlement offer was filed June 13, 2016 with the two families splitting the $11 million dollar cap of Newtown's insurance policy ($5.5 million each).

As to the Remington lawsuit, many hoaxers have thought Remington would (or should) use defenses related to their wacko Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, Youtube videos, fabricated memes, and blogs.

After all, figures the foggy mind of the conspiracy theorist, if there was no shooting, Remington could not be liable!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

FAU files Motion to Dismiss James Tracy Complaint

"Plaintiff’s  Complaint  fails  to  state  even  a  single  viable  claim  against  any  of  the  twenty-two  defendants,  requiring  dismissal  of  this  action  in  its  entirety. "  FAU's Motion to Dismiss

Tracy's Attorney Louis Leo, IV

FAU has filed a devastating motion to dismiss James Tracy's "roll your eyes" rhetoric and conspiracy laden federal complaint.  The words used to summarize the motion  summarize it better than I could, so that is highlighted in the next paragraph with emphasis by me.

Then I provide some highlights from the motion.

For those who wish to read it all, a link is below.

Let's hope the court sees fit to dump this case down the toilet, where it belongs.

You can read Tracy's horribly penned complaint here.

Orlando shooting hoax claims and Orlando attorney Cynthia Conlin

Orlando shooting hoax claims and Orlando attorney Cynthia Conlin- the connection

This is a quick blog post to discuss Orlando attorney Cynthia Conlin and her actions in response to the horrible massacre at the Orlando Club, Pulse.  I will try to update the photos later- they usually mess up when I "blog by phone".

It appears Conlin believes she is fit to represent Orlando victims. Let me tell you why I think that is a bad idea.

The conspiracy theorists hoaxers have already begun claiming the Orlando Shooting was a "Hoax" by the government to "take guns" and promoting (her client's website and donation center) with the hoax claims; lead by CONLIN'S CLIENT, Wolfgang Halbig.  

A quick search reveals numerous Youtube videos about "Orlando Hoax":

I will make a more detailed post later as I outline a  “who’s who” of Orlando hoax claims; however, I  want Orlando residents, families, and friends know exactly who they are dealing with in the pushing of disgusting hoax claims and that that includes the "Florida Four"; these people live right in the backyard of The Pulse night club:

Wolfgang Halbig (Sorrento, FL)
James Tracy (Boca Raton, FL) 
Tony Mead (Hollywood FL)
Jonathan Batla (aka RedSilverJ – in Broward County).

 These are the main leaders of hoaxers that are already targeting the victims of the Orlando shooting with absurd conspiracy theories.

Cynthia Conlin is attempting to insert herself into the public arena of the controversy surrounding the Orlando shooting by publicly offering to represent victims against online defamation.  Because of Conlin’s direct affiliation with Hoaxer conspiracy theorist Halbig and her aid by conducting legal attacks on several who attempted to defend the Sandy Hook victims from Wolfgang Halbig's vicious allegations over Sandy Hook, this is ridiculous and needs exposure now.  

Wolfgang Halbig is a well known conspiracy theorist leader that has been fully documented on this blog.  Wolfgang leads an online group against victims of high profile violence. While Wolfgang Halbig mostly focuses on the children or hurt families of Sandy Hook, he has discussed other conspiracy theories including Boston Bombing and San Bernardino.

Right now, Halbig’s focus is on the Orlando massacre and he is spreading the false and idiotic claim that the Orlando shooting is a hoax.

Wolfgang Halbig is, as we post this, repeatedly posting links to hoaxer videos alleging to “prove hoax” – in other words, Halbig is spreading the lie that the Orlando Shooting is a hoax.

Most of the videos Halbig is sharing are by “Peekay Truth”; a well known child and woman stalker and predator from Australia.  In the videos Halbig shares (and other videos by Peekay), Peekay is openly mocking the victims, laughing at them, cussing at them, calling them horrible names (such as “dirty faggots”) etc.

That is where you find Conlin, lined up behind Halbig; Halbig's legal muscle.

Most normal people are disgusted by people like Halbig.   If you were to take Halbig to task for his spreading of these horrific lies and videos, he just might sue you to shut you up, especially if you cut into his profit margin by exposing lies.  Halbig doesn’t like it when you use your free speech to point out his lies. 

So how does Orlando attorney Cynthia Conlin fit in?
Cynthia Conlin is the sword Wolfgang Halbig wields against anyone who may speak out against Halbig. Conlin is the attorney Halbig will send after you if you speak against what Halbig says.   

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sandy Hook Dawn Hochsprung and SHS Students Speak

Sandy Hook Dawn Hochsprung and SHS Students Speak 
Sandy Hook School "Not in Operaton since 2008" debunked

This video present Sandy Hook Principal Dawn Hochsprung speaking to the Newtown Board of Education. The video also shows Sandy Hook Students speaking to the board about their "Project Eagle" community projects.  The video thoroughly debunk James Fetzer, Wolfgang Halbig, and Tony Mead; all raise money by pushing the false claim that the Sandy Hook School was not in operation:

Dawn Hochsprung was killed when she bravely confronted the Sandy Hook shooter.

I called it "Part 2" because Joel of ReichWatch published "Dawn Hochsprung Speaks" on May 22.

Wolfgang's Bizarre Behavior Documented

Note: This article was published a few weeks ago, in May (as you can see by the comments).  I'm not sure what error I made or what glitch was triggered to cause it to republish as of today (6/12/16). There has been a lot more bizarre behavior since this article published!  Apologies!


When you have a man acting bizarre who makes a living threatening to sue bloggers, it is very important to document their behavior.  This will help a court apportion attorney fees after he losses his bad faith lawsuit.  To that end, we take a look at and document Wolfgang's recent over-the-top posts and claims.

Halbig's recent hoaxes for dollars:

Recently, Wolfgang falsely claimed to be a Certified Fire Inspector. The state of Florida and his former employer, Lake County Schools, refuted that claim.   Then Wolfgang told a whopper under oath, attempting to bolster his legal arguments by stating he had "twenty years of law enforcement experience."  He does not.  He topped off his hat-trick of ridiculous lies by actually emailing the NAACP to solicit their help by claiming to have been Martin Luther King, Jr's driver "keeping him safe".  Only a low life would tell such a disgusting lie, especially to the NAACP.  This man is nasty.

So the question is, can Wolfgang get lower down the slime hole as he circles the drain?  And Wolfgang answers for us: "Yes!"

In recent interviews and on his own broadcast, public figure Wolfgang Halbig has stated that his own Lake County Sheriff considers him mentally ill.  Halbig's recent Facebook posts seem to support the Lake County Sheriff's reported professional assessment.

Let's take a look.

Quick cleanup of a new Wolfgang Whopper - Sandy Hook Chorus Concert Date

Wolfgang was obviously looking at Dawn Hochsprung's twitter feed pondering how he is going to try to weasel out of paying me the $1,000 reward he owes me for providing photos of the 2012 Vets day breakfast when he decided to invent himself a new scheme.

This time, Wolfgang intentionally uses a compressed blurry version of a photo that makes it appear that the date on the white board is December 8, (2012).

Let's look at Wolfgang's Whopper:

Wolfgang's claim is that the number on the chalk board is the date "December 8" (a Saturday in 2012).  Halbig's scheme continues that since December 8 is a Saturday, the photo must be 2011.  (Note: Either way, this debunks Halbig and Fetzer's claim the school is closed and "not in operation").

Halbig's trick is an old time hack of the hoaxer - use blurred or crappy of photos.

Admittedly, at first glance it does appear to be an "8"; however, Wolfgang purports himself to be an investigator, a homicide investigator, expert this, expert that; therefore his standard of review must be that of a reasonable and intelligent person.

Here is the compressed photo Halbig uses to make the number appear to be an "8".

Simply clicking the photo (it doesn't even take an expert to do that) reveals the true number.

 The full sized photo as available on twitter is here:

The date is obviously and clearly "December 13"; something an alleged expert like Halbig knows or reasonably should know.  Further, the date does not represent the day these first graders were being taught the "three As of concert behavior: attention, appreciation, and applause"; rather it is the date of the 4th grade Chorus Concert at Newtown High School - as it clearly states on the white board itself:
The writing Says:

Thurs, Dec 13
Grade 4
Chorus Concert
Newtown High School
(something) at 6:00
(something) at 7:00

Concert discussed here:

Thanks to Mike Flagg for catching onto Halbig's new scheme first!

Addendum - Sample of Halbig's mindless cult

Here, Halbig's followers fall for Halbig's "Chorus Date" hoax hook, line, and sinker, while thinking Sandy Hook Fact's is dumb.

This shows how Halbig is able to continue to get money from these people, even after being caught in countless lies. Halbig caters to the lowest common denominator of intelligence.

Side note:
Sandy Hook Facts would like to express it's heartfelt condolences to the 50+ murdered by terrorists  in the Pulse Bar in Orlando, Florida. At the time of this post, the exact number is not known.  The hoaxers have already begun re-victimizing the victims with absurd videos.

*Update 7:40 pm-
Wolfgang has obviously seen my debunking  since minutes ago he reposted the meme several time (knowing the information is false) for his sheep.  And this is why the are hoaxers; they deliberately hoax their followers.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Pete Santilli false accusation of environmental activist as FBI agent part of U.S. vs Bundy et al

Without a deal, Pete Santilli is obviously going to Federal prison a long time for his role in the Bundy Ranch standoff and the armed take over of Malheur Wildlife Refuge; in part due to Santilli falsely claiming an environmental activist was an FBI agent.

On Jan. 24, 2016 Sandy Hook hoaxer Pete Santilli falsely accused an environmental activist of being an FBI Agent, nearly causing an armed riot at the Malheur preserve, and severely endangering the protester.

The armed, angry mob nearly surrounded the unarmed activist who was simply exercising his right to free speech on public land, protesting the armed occupation.

Santilli subsequently published a video of the incident titled "Pete Santilli Blows FBI Agent's Cover At Refuge In Burns, Oregon - #OregonFront"

It is notable that Santilli used the hastag "oregonfront", of course, referring to the front lines of an armed conflict (as opposed to, say.. "protest").

The video:

  Santilli used "old hat" hoaxer scam of  arbitrarily accusing one person of being another person without a shred of evidence.  Hoaxers have used the tactic to target and harm numerous people.

Within hours, Sandy Hook Facts debunked and exposed Santilli's hoax, by pointing out the obvious size difference between the environmental activst and the FBI agent.

The activist towers over short Pete Santilli:

Proof Sandy Hook Open: SHF Reward Claim thwarted by

While reviewing some photos for another project, it occurred to me that the "Year of the Dragon" celebration at Sandy Hook School was irrefutable photographic proof that the school was fully operational in 2012.

 After all, the Year of the Dragon only comes around every 12 years and is a very important aspect of Chinese Culture; they don't just mess that date up. The photos clearly demonstrate that it obviously was not the year 2000 or sooner.  For one, Ms. Victoria Soto in clearly seen standing in the doorway of her classroom, and she would have been 15 in 2000. So the year had to be 2012!

As SHF was 'googling around' researching and writing the blog post about the Year of the Dragon (2012) celebration at Sandy Hook School, excited to claim yet another reward from the hoaxers, I discovered that the celebration was already covered! Drats!

I am sorry to report I missed this blog post and it really deserves some attention - the post is from an awesome blog, Crisis Actors Guild:

The post  

It does appear Wolfgang now owes the blogger of "CrisisActorsGuild" quite a bit of money; because the proof is undeniable.

 Hoaxers cannot debunk or refute the 2012 Year of the Dragon Celebration at Sandy Hook; not to mention the other photo's discussed.  It's simply impossible and irrefutable proof the school was fully operational in 2012.

For example, this photo depicts the "Dragon" parade entering the portables from the main hallway of SHS, and the child's shirt clearly says 2011:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

L. Kay Wilson and Wolfgang Halbig Target Newtown Children

"There is NO GAG order - $5,000 challenge to Wolfgang Halbig" - Sandy Hook Facts - see below!

Separating the Sandy Hook Hoaxer conspiracy theorist from any other type of truther or conspiracy theorist is the propensity of the hoaxer to target families and small children.

Exhibit A: Wolfgang Halbig and Kay Wilson

Hoaxer leader Wolfgang Halbig and his hoaxer attorney L. Kay Wilson have sunk to new lows of vile depravity  as they directly target Newtown families and children in their next round of FOIA hearings.

"I no longer believe the Sandy Hook narrative" Kay Wilson on air to racist conspiracy theorist James Fetzer
Wilson has has once again teamed with Halbig to file an appeal with the FOIA commission and this time she is not limiting herself to government officials or police officers. This time the number one target on their attack list is Newtown school children.

The appeal is for a demand to the Newtown Public Schools that states that Halbig and Wilson want:

#1: Copies of the 26 children's names and parental field trip permission forms".  (of the Sandy Hook Chorus).

Newtown obviously refused their disgusting request and Halbig and Wilson, desperate to go after these children's identities have appealed to the Commission.  Wilson and Halbig are acting as if children's personal school records are public records! Of course they aren't!

No date has been set for the hearing.

Wilson's request is outside the clearly written law thus showing hoaxer desperation.

As covered by Sandy Hook Facts in "Wolfgang will never get the children's names"  Connecticut law is clear - the names of children are exempt from FOIA:

Connecticut General Statute 1-210 – Freedom of Information Act - Exempt Records:
 (11) Names or addresses of students enrolled in any public school or college without the consent ...

Review: Patrolling Sandy Hook

I have finally had the pleasure of seeing the documentary "Patrolling Sandy Hook", a film by Notre Dame film students Caroline Clark and Kelly Quinn.  The film is currently making it's rounds through film festivals and will be released to the public by December.

The film takes a fresh approach to the aftermath of the shooting, shedding a little light on the dark world of Sandy Hook hoaxers led by Wolfgang Halbig.  I don't know of any other documentary that has taken this angle.

The film begins with Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist frontman Wolfgang Halbig fawning over a $200 donation he slick talked his way into and then alternates from Halbig to various collateral victims of the shooting (and of hoaxers)  including Lenny Pozner, Kaitlin Roig, and Monsignor Robert Weiss.

Characteristic of Halbig, he is disgusting throughout the video.  For example, Wolfgang again renews his calls to exhume the bodies of the children. 

There is a very short list of things more predatory than seeking to maliciously exhume someone elses child from their grave. 

Lenny Pozner points out that when Lenny reached out to Halbig, Halbig refused to meet with him unless he "exhumed Noah's body".

 Halbig takes the documentarians into his home, and not surprisingly, the best evidence Halbig could muster to "prove hoax" was a photo of the school parking lot with the school's yellow "handicap" parking spots ("they should be blue", Halbig declares) and this photo of Kaitlin Roig (blurred but recognizable in the film):

The photo depicts Kaitlin Roig talking to students in May, 2015 about her new  program: "C4C" -  The film makers state they think the children in the photo "look like fourth graders."  Halbig beams and proudly declares "Case closed, she only taught first graders".

I think Halbig's rank dishonesty will escape most new viewers of hoaxers because they might chalk such ridiculousness up to stupidity or insanity and not realize that this type of deception by Halbig is intentional and part and parcel to the means hoaxers use to push their agenda.

 Halbig is a pro at this and knows or should know the photo doesn't purport to depict Kaitlin teaching at Sandy Hook School.  Halbig also knows a small percentage of people will buy his BS, yell "ah ha!" and send him checks for $200.

Skimming off the top
Speaking of donations, Sandy Hook Facts can now reveal that Halbig's statement in "Patrolling Sandy Hook" was the basis of the information used in my blog post "Report: Wolfgang Halbig raked in over $85,000" published  here:  The amount had included a $1,000 fundraiser Halbig was hosting at the time.

In Patrolling Sandy Hook, Halbig states (paraphrased) "We have generated about $84,000 to pay for attorneys and subpoenas and bribes."

Halbig quickly corrects himself and says "not bribes", but to "pay for the scripts"

Pay for the bribes and scripts? I suppose we are to believe that Wolfgang Halbig paid bribes for the "scripts" or  'transcripts' that are freely available pdf's from the final report.  

Did the filmmakers realize Halbig is calling the Newtown Police radio transcripts the "scripts"?

I have a feeling this money made it's way elsewhere, since Halbig is not stupid enough to pay for freely downloadable government issue pdf files.

$20,000 Whopper
It is also notable that after my blog post about Halbig's $85k windfall,Halbig went on air on his own program and denied the $84,000 claim; this time skimming about $20,000 off his donation total, declaring that he had only raised $64,000.

I'm not sure the film makers really knew just how dishonest Halbig was being with them.  Or perhaps the  film makers leave that as the answer to the question posed by Halbig when he pondered his inability to get a "big name sponsor" like the NRA or Remington; left for the viewer to decide.

Lenny, Kaitlin, and Monsignor Weiss
The film alternates between filth spewed by Halbig and amazing  commentary by Lenny Pozner, father of shooting victim Noah Pozner, Kaitlin Roig, a teacher who survived the shooting by hiding with her students in a small restroom, and Monsignor Weiss, who presided over several funerals in the wake of the shooting.  The emotions and commentary by Lenny, Kaitlin, and the monsignor are remarkable.

Monsignor Weiss points out that it is absurd to accuse an entire community of conspiring together to pretend such a horrific event happened and Lenny points that "30 years ago, people who had these types of thoughts (hoaxers) did not have a place to come together."   Lenny also briefly discusses the harassment and gangstalking of Sandy Hook families by the hoaxers.

From the perspective of a Sandy Hook Researcher, the film is must-see and I look forward to the public release.  I applaud Caroline Clark and Kelly Quinn on their entirely new approach to an unfortunate aspect of the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting.

Visit them on facebook: 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sandy Hook Fact - The Deadliest Minute in school shooting history

I received a message from an online friend of mine indicating that there were Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist hoaxers wanting me to use the report to support the claim that the "First minute of the shooting was the deadliest minute".  Apparently, a few nonsensical hoaxers are stating that I claimed this.

Basically, hoaxers have invented a claim, lied claiming I said this, and now want to back me into a corner challenging me "back up" the claim they invented.  All this is more lies and BS by hoaxers; as we've come to expect.

The first minute of the shooting at Sandy Hook School was, in fact, not the deadliest minute.  Nor have I ever made such a claim.  

That said, the deadliest minute in school massacre history did happen at Sandy Hook Elementary school.

Even a simple google search reveals my extensive, exclusive work on the subject:

Sandy Hook: The Deadliest Minute, the series

To me, the "deadliest minute" is one of the most profound aspects of the shooting and one of the least understood.

Perhaps the fairest question any person could have is:  "How could any shooter walk into a school and kill 26 people, leaving only 2 wounded, in under 10 minutes?"  Some hoaxers have even claimed no "Navy Seal could not have done it".  That is another false claim by hoaxers.   Nearly any person, armed as the shooter was armed,  could replicate the shooting given the conditions the shooter faced, if they were so inclined.  In other words, Sandy Hook, or worse, could happen again.

The number killed in such a short amount of time was an incredible fact of the shooting; so the question does deserve a fair answer.

"Sandy Hook:  The Deadliest Minute" was published in February 2014, just after the release of the final report.   I explain "the deadliest minute" at about  59 minutes into the film:

That video was ground breaking in that ballistics were used to mathematically prove the order of the shooting and the "deadliest minute"; something the final report did not do.  Sandy Hook Facts was the first and only person to publish this finding.

I have proven that the deadliest minute in United States school shooting history happened in Room 8 of Sandy Hook Elementary School on 12-14-12.  This happened about 5 minutes into the rampage.  I have published this information in blog and on video; using information from the final report:

As my marquee investigative video, I have used the catch phrase "Deadliest Minute" for several other supplemental investigations, including: "Sandy Hook: The Deadliest Minute": Fallen Angel" - which explores the removal of a victim from Room 10 to a waiting ambulance

Incidentally, I also explained my methology in my "Fallen Angel Video" right here: