Debunked: Wolfgang W. Halbig's "Script" Claims
by MikeFl
The so-called "script" claims by Wolfgang W. Halbig.
Wolfgang's "script" claim, July 4, 2014: (Archive:
(Keep in mind that Wolfgang has said he had two Connecticut state troopers give him this "script," showing him where to look, how to look at it, what it means, and how to differentiate the "Newtown police script" to the "Connecticut state police script.")
When Wolfgang first posted what he called "the script," he was referring to TRANSCRIPTION REPORT: NEWTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT RADIO TRANSMISSIONS ON 12-14-12, which is CFS 1200704559/Book 4/00179629.pdf:
1. Wolfgang says about Nute only letting McGowan (who Wolfgang spells incorrectly as McGown throughout his post) know that someone is shooting in the building.
From page 1 (going by the page number on the document) of 00179629.pdf, you can see that other officers responded to the call, stating that they were en route, before McGowan responded. Wolfgang even said afterward about Seabrook and Kullgren hearing the call and stating they were also en route.
'9:36:32 Seabrook: "95, I am en route also."
9:36:38 Kullgren: "S6, I am en route."
9:37:57 McGowan: "Copy."'
2. Wolfgang questions why Kullgren directed Seabrook (95) and McGowan (67) to respond to Crestwood Drive, which is not the front of the school building.
While Kullgren did say to Seabrook and McGowan about coming up to the rear of the school, Crestwood Drive, Seabrook actually entered Dickinson Drive and parked facing the northwest (front) side of the school, as noted in CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00079318.pdf:
Why wouldn't you have officers enter from the rear of the school as well? No one knew where, inside the building, the shots were coming from or where a shooter was. It makes sense to have first responders enter through all sides of the building to see the activity inside, whether it be to stop a shooter or evacuate people inside the building to keep out of harm's way/send to the hospital from being shot.
3. Wolfgang states "at 9:38:26 am on Dec 14, 2012 (67 to S6 Sgt. Kullgren) I am going up Crestwood Drive."
However, that was actually radioed in at 9:38:53. From page 1 (going by the page number on the document) of 00179629.pdf: '9:38:53 McGowan: "67 to S6 (Kullgren), I am going up Crestwood."'
4. Wolfgang states about unit 95 (Seabrook) being at Crestwood Drive, asking to start an ambulance and to have them staged. Wolfgang also states that Seabrook was at the back of the school when he radioed in: "95 start an ambulance and have them stage."
However, Seabrook actually entered Dickinson Drive and parked facing the northwest (front) side of the school, as I mentioned before. In addition, Seabrook was still en route when he radioed in, at 9:40:33, to start an ambulance and have them staged. "09:42:27 Off. Seabrook enters Dickinson Drive," as noted in page 2 of 5 in CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00079318.pdf:
5. Wolfgang wonders why an ambulance was called, Kullgren "not knowing if they even need an ambulance."
From CFS 1200704559\Book 6\00029085.pdf, Seabrook states: "As I was driving, Ofc. McGowan and Sgt. Kullgren called out on scene. A
short time later Sgt. Kullgren keyed his radio and said "this is real". A short time later Ofc. McGowan keyed his radio and yelled that an individual was coming at him. There was a significant amount of stress in Ofc. McGowan's voice, on the radio. I thought that Ofc. McGowan was getting shot at or something else that was immediately life threatening was happening when Ofc. McGowan yelled on the radio, by the sound of his voice."
From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, page 5 (going by the page number on the document):
'09:39:34 Officer McGowan encounters [Redacted] running along the east side of SHES. (Newtown radio)
Officer McGowan: "Yea we got him...they're coming at me down Crestwood."' (Which turned out to be parent Christopher Manfredonia, as I debunked before.)
Thus, "this is real" and McGowan yelling that an individual was coming at him, was before Seabrook radioed in, at 9:40:33, to start an ambulance and have them staged. Between that and everything else he heard being radioed in, it makes sense to have an ambulance staged. Wolfgang has kept wrongfully stating that no paramedics entered Sandy Hook Elementary School to assess the victims, yet now he finds something wrong with asking for an ambulance.
6. Wolfgang states that unit 95 (Seabrook) made "official traffic stops in the City till at least 10:15 am of that morning."
I have no idea where Wolfgang gets his information about "Newtown Incident Reports" and "call for service reports" showing Seabrook making traffic stops until at least 10:15 am. Detail Call For Service Report, CFS 1200704559\Book 2\00003262.pdf, does not even mention unit 95 (Seabrook):
"09:34:37 Off. Seabrook initiates motor vehicle stop on Meadowbrook Rd.
09:36:13 Off. Seabrook hears call dispatched regarding shooting at SHES, returns paperwork to subject of motor vehicle stop and runs to cruiser.
09:42:47 Off. Seabrook arrives and runs to the left side (northeast) of the school to Off. McGowan's location near the playscape. LT Vanghele drives toward the front entrance of the school."
"09:36:06 This is Officer Seabrook, Newtown Police Department on a traffic stop in Newtown. He will hear the broadcast and respond. Notice that the dash cam is in the name of Officer Chapman which led to some confusion."
CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00079318.pdf also states: "During the recording of the video, Officer Seabrook was parked in the parking lot of the SHES, facing the northwest (front) side of the school, between the second and third row of cars from the front. The video is a forward facing view from the cruiser. During the play of the video, it displays the title of "Car 13 Off Chapman 098.""
"09:36:11 This is Officer Seabrook after hearing the radio broadcast about a shooting at Sandy Hook, he returned the drivers information and ran to his patrol car. Showing the fast response to the school."
"09:41:42 This is Officer Seabrook now traveling behind Lt Vanghele (driving a department SUV) they met at the intersection of Church Hill Rd and Connors/Wire Rd."
"09:42:33 This is Officer Seabrook now traveling behind Lt Vanghele moving past Officer Chapman’s and Sgt Kullgren’s vehicles that are parked by the baseball field."
"09:42:52 Lt Vanghele drives towards front door and Officer Seabrook parks adjacent to second row of cars facing the northwest portion of SHES."
"09:42:55 Lt Vanghele drives towards front door and Officer Seabrook parks adjacent to second row of cars facing the northwest portion of SHES." (Archive:
7. Wolfgang states: "In Sgt. kullgren's official statement he says that when he arrived on Dickinson Drive on Dec 14, 2012 he parked half way down and waited for other units."
From CFS 1200704559\Book 6\--1.pdf, Kullgren states: "While in route to the scene I directed two officers to approach the school from the rear of the school via Crestwood Drive all other responding units were to stage with me halfway down Dickenson Drive. As I approached the Dickenson Drive I observed 8-12 young children running east across the front parking lot of the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Department. I turned onto Dickenson Drive and stopped my patrol vehicle approx. 350 feet away from the main entrance of the school. As I exited my patrol vehicle I heard a number sounds which I identified as gunfire. I believed the sounds were coming from the front entrance area of the school, I shouted to Officer Chapman and Smith who were with me to grab their rifles. The parking lot had a many vehicles in it which obscured our line of sight to the front door. We formed a line and approached the sound of gunfire attempting to identify the person or persons who were shooting."
There is absolutely no mention from Kullgren that he waited for other units. Kullgren stating "all other responding units were to stage with me halfway down Dickenson Drive," means the other responding units were to park in the area where Kullgren parked, in which they then approach the scene.
From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, pages 2-6 (going by the page numbers on the document), you can clearly see there was no waiting for other units:
'9:36:38 Newtown Sgt Kullgren hears broadcast and is enroute to SHES: (Newtown radio)
Newtown Sgt Kullgren: "S6, I am enroute."
9:37:39 Officer Chapman is traveling on Church Hill Rd enroute to SHES from the police department. Newtown Sgt Kullgren is the lead car in the black SUV. Officer McGowan is driving directly in front of Officer Chapman. (Officer Chapman's video)
Officer Smith is traveling behind Officer Chapman. Upon arrival to SHES, he enters the parking lot on the right. He meets up with Officer Chapman in the front of SHES. (Officer Smith's Statement)
9:37:40 Newtown Sgt Kullgren gives instructions to Newtown officers responding to the scene: (Newtown radio)
Newtown Sgt Kullgren: "S6 to 95( Officer Seabrook), 67 (Officer McGowan) if you come up the rear of the school, on that Crestwood the back road, the other units will take a staging point in the driveway."
9:38:53 Newtown Police Officer McGowan calls he is out on Crestwood. (Newtown radio)
9:38:53 Officer McGowan: "67 to S6 (Sgt Kullgren) I am going up Crestwood."
9:39:00 Newtown Sgt Kullgren: "Roger that, we will stage up here in the front and we will go from there."
9:39:13 Newtown Sgt Kullgren and Officer Chapman arrive at SHES and park on the driveway near the ball field. Gunshots are heard in the background. (Officer Chapman's video)
9:40:15 Newtown Sgt Bahamonde arrives in the driveway of SHES and parks behind Newtown Sgt Kullgren's SUV and to the right of Officer Chapman’s cruiser. Newtown Sgt Bahamonde runs to the front of SHES. He later meets up with Newtown Lt Vanghele and Officer Penna in the front of SHES. (Sgt Bahamonde’s video and Statement)'
8. Wolfgang states: "So you now have numerous police vehicles on Dickinson Drive. HOw did Shannon Hicks from the Newtown Bee get by them when shots are still being fired and the crime scene is unsecured?"
From Lt Davis' dash camera recording, 00055705 MVR Part 1, you can see Dickinson Drive was not blocked off in the 9:44+ dash camera time frame (from 3:30+ in the YouTube video):
Snapshots from Blumenthal's dash camera recording:

While the crime scene was unsecured, there were no shots being fired while Shannon Hicks was arriving to the scene or when she arrived at 9:59.
"At 9:59 last Friday morning, Shannon Hicks pulled her 2006 Jeep Wrangler off the road just outside Sandy Hook Elementary school." (Archive:
From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, page 5 (going by the page numbers on the document): "09:40:03 [Redacted] is still on the telephone with CSP and a second single gunshot is heard in the background. This is believed to be the final suicide shot from the shooter, who is in room 10, Ms. Soto's room. (CSP Centralized Dispatch 911)"
9. Wolfgang states a "911 call came in at 9:35:36 am on Dec 14, 2012 which does not even show shots fired at Sandy Hook but only that there is an unwanted person which receives a medium response by the Newtown Police Department."
There was no 9:35:36 911 call. From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, page 1 (going by the page number on the document):
"9:35:39 –First call received to Newtown Police on 911 from [Redacted]: Caller ([Redacted]) reports she saw the shooter. [Redacted] makes the call from the nurse’s office after the shooter left the office. ([Redacted] Statement)"
From CFS 1200704559\Book 6\--1.pdf, Kullgren states: "At sometime after 0900 hours I heard the ECC dispatch a call of "shots fired" in the front of the Sandy Hook Elementary School."
10. Wolfgang states that Kullgren stopped "half way down Dickinson Drive at 9:39:56 am."
I do not know where Wolfgang got that time from. From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, page 4 (going by the page numbers on the document): "9:39:13 Newtown Sgt Kullgren and Officer Chapman arrive at SHES and park on the driveway near the ball field. Gunshots are heard in the background. (Officer Chapman's video)"
11. Wolfgang wonders how it's possible "officer Penna runs a tag check at 9:42:39 on a vehicle (872) yellow-echo-October and thinks that it is the suspects vehicle."
From CFS 1200704559\Book 6\00258036.pdf, page 2 of 4, Penna states: "As I was making my way to the right side, I observed a Black 4 door Honda Civic sedan parked on an angle in front of where the main entrance of the school is with its front passenger door wide open. I als9 observed two black zip-up sweat jackets lying on the ground to the right of the vehicle. At that time, I believed there were at least two suspects due to the number of jackets on the ground. I radioed dispatch with the registration plate as a possible suspect vehicle. I continued to the right side of the school with Sergeant Bahamonde and Lieutenant Vanghele where we made entry into the school via an unlocked outside door to the boiler room."
12. Wolfgang states a tag was ran "with the wrong alpha letters used by law enforcement. We do not use Yellow we use Yankee."
While Penna originally radioed in "Yellow" at 9:42:39, he later repeated the same license plate but with the phonetic alphabet "Yankee" at 10:35:35. In addition, Davis and Barocsi use "Yankee."
From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, pages 7 and 24 (going by the page numbers on the document):
'9:42:39 Officer Penna calls out the license plate on shooter’s vehicle as he runs past the vehicle toward the dumpster: (Newtown radio)
"Officer Penna: "D5, eight seven two Yellow Echo October may be suspect's vehicle."'
'CSP Lt (MSGT) Davis "...just be advised we may have two shooters and we may have a suspect vehicle that they might have pulled up in..CT eight-seven-two- Yankee-echo- Honda."'
'10:35:35 Officer Penna: "I need the address of the residence of this Connecticut reg. It’s gonna be the same one I gave you before, Connecticut Passenger eight –seven- two- Yankee –echo-October (YEO)."'
'10:35:46 Newtown Dispatcher Barocsi: "Roger eight-seven-two (872)-yankee–echo- October (YEO), standby."'
While "Yankee" is a more commonly used phonetic alphabet, 'The California Highway Patrol, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, San Jose Police Department, the San Francisco Police Department, and other agencies across the West Coast and Southwestern United States, as well as the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department, use versions that allocate Yellow to "Y" and other agencies' versions allocate Baker or Bravo to "B", or use variations that include Nancy instead of Nora for "N" or Yesterday for "Y."' (Archive:
13. Wolfgang states: "From this point on nothing gets done without the permission of Sgt. Kullgren which I find just amazing since this Police Department has a Police Chief, a Captain and four Lt which you do not hear a word from through this script until at about 10:45 am on Dec 14, 2012."
It's normal that Sgt Kullgren was giving commands since he was on the scene before a higher-up. Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios were already at the scene in the 9:41 time frame (no documented time of arrival), and Lt Vanghele was already at the scene at 9:42:47 and was inside Sandy Hook Elementary School before 9:44:47.
From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, pages 7 and 8 (going by the page numbers on the document):
'9:41:24 Officer McGowan has [Redacted] prone out on the playground of SHES. First time that information is relayed that there is possibly a second shooter: (Newtown radio)
09:41:24 Officer McGowan: "I need a unit up here, on the playground side, to secure this party."
9:41:30 Newtown Sgt Kullgren: “Do you have that person yes, no?"
9:41:34 Officer McGowan: "I don’t know, I’ve got a party on the side, I have him prone out now."
9:41:39 Newtown Sgt Kullgren: "Roger that, units be aware that we could have a secondary unit."'
"Officer McGowan’s transmission draws the attention of the Newtown officers on scene. Officers Chapman and Smith respond from the south side (rear) of the school. Newtown Sgt Kullgren responds from the north side (front) of the school. Newtown Chief Kehoe and Newtown Captain Rios respond from Crestwood Drive. Officer Seabrook responds to the east side of the school upon arrival. (Dash videos and Statements of the officers)"
"** Newtown Chief Kehoe and Newtown Captain Rios had previously arrived, in one vehicle, parked on Crestwood, no documented time of arrival**"
"9:42:47 Newtown Lt Vanghele and Officer Seabrook arrive at SHES. Newtown Lt Vanghele drives towards front door and Officer Seabrook parks adjacent to second row of cars facing the northwest portion of SHES. (Officer Chapman's and Officer Seabrook's video)"
'9:44:47 Rick Thorne, standing in the west hallway, is still on the telephone with Newtown 911. (Newtown 911)
Newtown Dispatcher Nute: “Alright, do hear any police officers at this time Rick?"
Thorne: "I am hearing talking, but I am not seeing anybody, but I’m hearing talking."'
"The talking Thorne hears is most likely Newtown Officers Lt Vanghele, Sgt Bahamonde, and Officer Penna coming through the boiler room of SHES, having entered through a west side door. They make their way through the boiler room, kitchen, and cafeteria and enter into the lobby of the school. (Officers’ Statements)"
14. Wolfgang states: "at 10:50:17 on Dec 14, 2012 officer figol 81 calls to S6 Sgt. Kullgren to ask for permission to leave her assignment and respond to Sandy Hook."
No. At 10:50:17, Barocsi asks if Figol is calling. Figol does not call to Kullgren, asking for permission to leave her assignment and respond to Sandy Hook. She is clearly stating that she is in town if Kullgren needs her.
From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, page 25 (going by the page number on the document):
'10:50:06 Officer Figol, who is working a private duty job near the Newtown Monroe line, informs Newtown PD that she is in town with her canine: (Newtown radio)
Officer Figol: "81 (Figol) to S6 (Sgt Kullgren),"
10:50:17 Newtown Dispatcher Barocsi: "81 (Figol) are you calling?"
10:50:19 Officer Figol: "Let S6 (Sgt Kullgren) know I am in town too on a road job if he needs me."
10:50:24 Newtown Dispatcher Barocsi: "Roger, S6 (Sgt Kullgren) you copy?"
10:50:27 Newtown Sgt Kullgren: "Negative, what do we have?"
10:50:29 Newtown Dispatcher Barocsi: "81 (Figol) is in town as well if you need her...just advise."
10:50:38 Newtown Sgt Kullgren: "Go again please."
10:50:43 Newtown Dispatcher Barocsi: "S6 (Sgt Kullgren), just be advised 81(Figol) is in town if you need her."'
15. Wolfgang states: "It is not until 10:58:24 on Dec 14, 2012 that Sgt. Kulgreen S6 gives permission for officer Figol to respond to the front of the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Guess who stays at his off duty work assignment.........our Lt Sinko.....Why?"
It is not about giving permission; Kullgren is simply asking for the Monroe canine and Figol to respond to the front of the school, since Figol previously radioed in: "Let S6 (Sgt Kullgren) know I am in town too on a road job if he needs me."
From CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00184096.pdf, page 27 (going by the page number on the document): '10:58:24 Newtown Sgt Kullgren: "I am working with CSP now to coordinate additional searches... can you have the Monroe canine and 81 (Officer Figol) respond to the front of the school please."'
We have not been told why Lt Sinko stayed at the construction site, but he was reprimanded for doing so: (Archive:
Fast forward to July 16, 2014. "Wolfgang Halbig: 11,000 page Sandy Hook "script"/ CT State Police gave false affidavits": (Archive:
From the article: "BREAKING NEWS! Two Connecticut State Troopers have now confirmed to Wolfgang Halbig that an 11,000 page document in his possession was "the script" for the Sandy Hook fake shooting."
Fast forward to July 23, 2014. "EXCLUSIVE WITH Montagraph Interview With Wolfgang About The 11,000 Page S.H. Script":
At 5:47, Wolfgang says that Jim Fetzer misprinted it; it's not 11,000-page script, but the script is found in the 11,000-page report. However, in Jim Fetzer's article, it is made out like the following quote is directly from Wolfgang himself: "Every school district, private and parochial, is now having to deal with Sandy Hook, when it has become increasingly evident, as I believe, that Sandy Hook was a drill, based upon the 11,000 page script that I now have in my possession, which was followed on 14 December 2012." (Archive:
However, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting reports,, do not equal 11,000 pages.
CFS 1200704559 PDF files combined equal 5,106 pages.
CFS 1200704597 PDF files combined equal 893 pages.
CFS 1200705354 PDF files combined equal 728 pages.
Altogether, 6,727 pages.
Wolfgang says about a book company being interested in publishing a book with "the script." At 25:49, Wolfgang says that he is not a good writer or speller and that the book company likes that everything is in the police words and not his own words. Yet, Wolfgang had no issue making the July 4, 2014 Facebook post, stating what "the script" is and putting police words into his own words, making such a huge mess with inaccurate information. Wolfgang has continued to state that two Connecticut state troopers gave him this "script," which I find really hard to believe, especially when he says, at 6:07, that they showed him where to look, how to look at it, what it means, and how to differentiate the "Newtown police script" to the "Connecticut state police script."
Research by MikeFl. Mike is an extremely knowledgeable Sandy Hook Researcher and his work is must read information for any serious investigator. Visit him on Facebook at
1 comment:
I think most people forget that staged, like most American-English words, have more than one meaning. "Staged" in this sense means "prepared", not "fake". Also, just ask all the grieving parents if it is fake.
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