Saturday, March 22, 2014

Researchers Guide To Sandy Hook Final Report Part 2 -CFS1200704597

 This is more documents from the report

 Researchers Guide to Evidence

Auto reports/survey, property reports
2023 2036 digital photo reports
, misc ballistics reports
2035 3 veh w/bullet strikes
 13113, 19254, 39793 Decon of victims clohes/return to fams/drying vic clothes
18466  Casings summary map
19311 19319 19371 19954 63176 63174 63177 Vehicle Surveys
25303 Guerra cell pics (6)
25242 b/w cell phone pics adam lanza deceased/weapons
30920 Victim lists .. mostly redact
41169 vehicle list
45841  63167  63173  Lanza Honda
45968, 45980 Post mortem exam photo report
45958 Photo report Adam autopsy
50860 Room 10 window bullet strikes
63183 63179  List of those present/evidence at autopsies
101146 Coroners list of vics and their wounds
101811 Evidence seized report shes
118939 Personnel processing scene; Main report w/report guide 60p
122048 shooters cloting
144718 Autopsy bullet frag reports
122616 Supp DNA
124235 DNA Honda and SHE guns

146699 DNA - inc Nancy dna on sweat jacket
146708 firearms report
146690, 166546 DNA report weapons - adam ID'd
187029 walkey photo report
187030 photo report shooters clothes
235016 Bullet/round mapping


Anonymous said...

A2 did not transport ALS - it transported "front of vehicle, not secured." said...

the ambulance that had a patient in the front (hammond) also had ALS (boy from room 8) in the back.. 2 patients. i dont recall off top of my head if it was A2 or A3