Shanley's appearance was covered in mainstream press here:
The newspaper reported:
DANBURY - A conspiracy theorist who is trying to influence a lawsuit brought by two families of Sandy Hook massacre victims against Newtown and its school district gave his argument in court Monday about why his views should be heard by the judge.
The families’ attorney, Donald Papcsy, said he did not want to dignify what Shanley was arguing by responding.
Before the hearing, however, Papcsy said that as a Sandy Hook resident who grieved with neighbors on his block who lost loved ones in the massacre, Shanley’s views were disheartening and “unconscionable.”
“There is no evidence that anyone died at Sandy Hook,” conspiracy theorist William Brandon Shanley of New Haven told Superior Court Judge Dan Shaban during a mid-afternoon hearing in Danbury. “This is a manipulation of human consciousness to achieve a gun control agenda.”
“This is not the place for political statements,” said Shaban, who reminded Shanley a half dozen times that Shanley needed to focus his argument on what legal grounds the judge should allow him to present his views about a case that does not involve him.Considering the lquality of Shanley's pleadings, it is doubtful Shanley made a single coherent, valid, legal argument; however, that remains to be seen. The judge promised a written ruling.
Sandy Hook Hoaxer
William Shanley is a member of and frequent poster to Tony Mead's Sandy Hook Hoax group.
Shanley utilizes the arguments widely publicized by Sandy Hook Hoax Group, Wolfgang Halbig, Jim Fetzer, and James Tracy and this hearing will be the first test as to how that arguments hold up to judicial scrutiny.
Shanley, of course, claims no one died at Sandy Hook, that the Sandy Hook shooting was a "FEMA Drill", blah, blah, etc. etc.. Of course, Shanley has zero personal knowledge of the incident and offers zero real evidence, instead citing web blogs and Youtube videos; none of which are admissible in a court of law for his purpose.
Hoaxer Lawsuit
On behalf of the Hoaxers, Shanley filed two Sandy Hook related lawsuits against various media corporations accusing them of being complicit in the "hoax". Shanley hoped to pocket over FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS for his efforts; but it was not to be. Both cases were summarily dismissed by the court as, without a single hearing; essentially, frivolous nonsense.
Shanley then filed two untimely appeals of the dismissals. One appeal was summarily dismissed on July 27 and it is anticipated the other appeal will soon be dismissed.
To Shanley's Credit
To date, William Shanley is the only hoaxer to file a lawsuit related to the Sandy Hook shooting. Contrast that with Wolfgang Halbig. Wolfgang raised $100,000 from his followers based on the promise of lawsuit against Connecticut officials; yet the ONLY lawsuit Halbig has filed was an attempt to chill Free Speech with a personal vendetta against bloggers; a case that Halbig lost.
Halbig learned that jurisdiction of Sandy Hook Facts is California; and California does not tolerate anti-free speech lawsuits. Halbig owes Sandy Hook Facts over $24,000 for that lawsuit.
Checkered Criminal Past
William Shanley, as one of the legal front men for the hoaxers, represents them well boasting numerous criminal convictions. These convictions appear to be increasing in violence and frequency; perhaps as a result of his radical hoaxerism. In 2011, he was convicted of Breach of Peace and sentenced to 6 months jail. In 2015 he was convicted of Resisting Arrest and sentenced to 1 year jail and probation. He was also convicted of Criminal Trespass and sentenced to a year in jail. Shanley also has a Violation of Probation.
Couple of things....First, Shanley is bat-shit crazy. Second, HE HAS NO LEGAL STANDING.
this idiotic judge gave the hoaxers a chance so if they fail to make their case they have no One to blame but themselves
wasn't Shanley in a loony bin for a while?
I believe he wrote some grandiose tale about that but since I have not independently verified it and have doubts about some of his details I don't include it in my articles.
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