A research journal into the facts of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting tragedy and the subsequent hoax by the alternative media, "Sandy Hook Hoax".
I am now in receipt of copies of the original court documents filed by William Shanley in his trillion dollar lawsuit alleging media fraud in regards to what conspiracy theorists refer to as "Sandy Hook Hoax".
William Shanley has filed a lawsuit asking for about one TRILLION dollars (que Dr Evil laugh). Further, Shanley has the gal to file his suit and to ask the court to waive few hundred dollars in court fees! We the tax payer will be footing the bill for this hoaxer gimmick.
These documents represent a shining example of a frivolous non-suit. The average high school government student playing "mock court" could have put together a better case.
William Shanley has the endorsement of professors, Dr. James Fetzer and Dr. James Tracey, and is an ally of Dr. Doom (who in-between prison sentences took an online paralegal course and also fought a traffic ticket). Shanley represents the work product of the best legal minds the hoaxers have to offer; combining resources and two years of research and bringing these to bear as their best evidence. In other words, for all the lawsuit hype for the past several months, this is the best they could do.
These documents show you how paranoid internet conspiracy theorists prepare for Federal Court.
314 CV 01881 JAM Complaint (vs Newtown Bee et al) - Two pages of seven pages comprise the "meat" of his allegation and the sum total of his actual effort to obtain a FIVE BILLION dollar judgement. Frankly, this is just plain lazy and is not even a good faith effort.
His allegations are supported by his "best evidence", a few links to a conspiracy blogs written by James Fetzer of "Veteran's Today".
These links are not even considered by rational people on the street, let slone a court. Veteran's Today even admits most of their material is false; they don't wven believe what they write! The court will not consider the idiotic references because they do not represent first hand knowledge of the shooting by the plaintiff.
It also appears Shanley forgot to mention actual damages and he jumps straight to wanting billions in punitive damages.
Prediction: This case will be summarily dismissed without leave to amend and with prejudice. Link: https://pdf.yt/d/RkqMNT_Y_GJnPNmU
314 CV 01929 JAM Complaint versus Time Warner, Bloomberg, Comcast, Disney, CNN, and just about every big name in media one can imagine; asking for nearly 1 trillion dollars in punitive damages without any claim of actual damages.
It is obvious the filing is hoping to rely on the court providing the plaintiff's case because the plaintiff does not present a semblance of a case; in fact his case does not address the easily searched elements of fraud.
Of the 15 pages of this complaint, most of the pages are names and addresses of defendants. Three pages comprise the heart of his case and hoaxers endeavor to obtain hundreds of billions of dollars. Again, allegations are supported by a couple of weblinks, mostly to Veteran's Today and again not admissible. The average street corner beggar works harder to get a dollar than the Hoaxers worked to put this complaint together; and hoaxers want billions as their award.
More amazing, Stanley attached the fake "FEMA Drill" pamphlet the Sandy Hook Hoaxer group fabricated and posted to media fire. A hoaxer group fabricated the document using an available online template. While this is obviously an attempt at fraud on the court, the document has zero relevance to the allegations of fraud, even if it were authentic. Therefore the fake pamphlet wont be considered long enough by the court for the court to figure out some hoaxer made the document while sitting on their mom's computer.
This is a lazy complaint and does not represent a good faith suit. These are the types of frivolous actions clogging our courts. Stanley failed to state a claim and as with the first it action, the claim is without merit. And, once again Stanley claimed pauper status to get out of nominal court fees.
Prediction: This case will be summarily dismissed pretrial after no more than one hearing and dismissed without leave to amend and with prejudice.
Wolfgang Halbig - no lawsuit found
Sandy Hook Hoax Qui Tam - no lawsuit found Update 1-29-15:
1881 is dismissed
Just in case Sandy Hook Hoaxers missed it, violating copyright is a FEDERAL OFFENSE.
As Wolfgang Halbig continues to threaten everyone within earshot with lawsuits, it appears his official channel has been again slapped with a copyright strike.
This means Wolfgang Halbig's official channel is likely teetering on a LIFE TIME ban from the worlds largest video host service.
This type of activity is nothing new for the Sandy Hook Justice website; if you recall, I reported their previous copyright strikes here:
In that case, the owner of the intellectual property fumed:
"I am getting f-ing sick and tired of people stealing my work. Why is it necessary for them to download it and put their name on it when all they have to do is share this one if they want to get out the information??" --Mert Melfa
Thomas Lapp, Halbig's associate, became unhinged fuming back at the property owner:
Thomas LappThe youtube user Mert Melfa filed a copyright complaint against WolfgangHalbig's youtube channelfor....tWhat side is he on? Is he on the side of truth? Or his he just looking to gain the spotlight? My message to him was this: What is your problem man? I thought David Weiss got this sorted out with you. You filed a copyright strike against the officialchannel of WolfgangHalbig himself!
Apparently, Lapp believes that since it's "Wolfgang", the channel has an innate right other peoples stuff.
Moreover, it appears Wolfgang's Channel did not learn the lesson from the strike since the channel is again accused uploading videos containing the intellectual property of other companies.
About one month has passed since Halbig promised his lawsuit; it appears the only thing he has produced is the possibility of getting sued himself... or worse, carried away by federal marshals in a black SUV for violating very serious federal laws.
Today, families filed what many of us were fairly sure were coming, lawsuits. Today's filings were in state court.
The lawsuits were filed on behalf of 9 deceased children and 1 surviving teacher who had been shot multiple times. The suit is against Bushmaster, Remington Outdoor Group, Camfour Holding, and Riverview Sales; essentially the distribution chain of the weapon used by the shooter in his attack on the school. It seems likely there will be more lawsuits to come. Some other claims have a three year statue of limitations.
I have several different approaches to this subject that I want to share. I have read the lawsuit in it's entirety.
Climbing a legal Mount Everest...
When examining the legal aftermath of mass shooting, it is important to note that historically, lawsuits against entities other than the shooters estate have a very low success rate. This is why there is no "rush to sue". Legal teams must gather as much evidence as possible because they face an uphill legal battle; in fact, for Sandy Hook, the lawyers face the legal equivalent of Mount Everest.
After Columbine there were several lawsuits. Obviously, the shooters families were sued and those lawsuits settled. The plaintiff's recovered. However, families also sued the high school and the sheriff's department.
Every lawsuit filed by victims against Columbine High School and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department was dismissed, except one.
The lawsuit on behalf of the estate of Dave Sanders was allowed to proceed against the Jefferson County Sheriff's department. Dave Sanders was the Columbine teacher that police allowed to bleed to death for several hours. As a matter of historical fact, hours after the shooters had committed suicide, the sheriff's department still did not move to rescue Sanders. The judge wrote "(the sheriff's department ) demonstrated a deliberate indifference towards (Dave Sanders) plight shocking to the conscience of this federal court." At Sandy Hook, with response times measured in minutes, this would be a much tougher argument to make.
After the Virginia Tech massacre, two plaintiff's prevailed at jury trial only to be overturned by the Virginia Supreme Court. The court held in part, that the jury misunderstood Virginia law. Likewise, the lawsuits against the University of Alabama in Huntsville were tossed after their mass shooting.
In Aurora Colorado, the lawsuits against the theater are still proceeding.
In California, after the San Ysidro shooting, all of the law suits against McDonald's were tossed before trial.
A little less known fact is that the Nickel Mines (Amish) had zero lawsuits. Certain hoaxers have claimed there are always lawsuits; which is untrue. As demonstrated above, not all families sue either.
In that light, Sandy Hook is proceeding exactly as one would expect; and the precedent is clear.
Most recognize that the chance the Sandy Hook victims prevailing against persons other than the Lanza estate is, in general, is very low. That said, much good can come from lawsuits. Some could be seeking accountability. Some families could be seeking changes, some families could be seeking answers, or a combination of all of it.
Sandy Hook families face an additional hurdle because they are suing the gun manufacturer, sellers, and distributors. A 2005 Federal law was enacted to protect these entities against just such lawsuits. The lawsuit attempts to utilize a negligent entrustment exception to the law.
The jist of the pleading is essentially that since the AR-15 is known (and advertised as) a powerful military grade weapon system, Bushmaster (and those in the chain of distribution) knew or should have known that a civilian like Nancy Lanza should not be entrusted with that weapon; therefore, those in the chain are liable.
The Sandy Hook complaint essentially makes the argument that since the rifle is not good for hunting or self-defense; it has no civilian utility.
In principle, I do not agree with that argument. As a matter of fact, it grates against my every fiber. The right protected by the Second Amendment is not merely the right to hunt or self defense of a home; but that is debate for another time.
While I doubt their argument will prevail, as one who enjoys the law, I will watch the case with great interest as to what arguments get put forth. I am certainly not "chicken little" about the results of this lawsuit. The sky is not falling... in fact I bet gun sales jump again.
We can expect powerful pretrial motions to dismiss this entire action; of that we can be sure.
All of that said, and while one can never really know how one will react if your little child is slaughtered in their first grade classroom, I'm fairly sure that I would sue everyone I could get my lawyers to go after. I certainly believe these families have the right to pursue this action.
From a Sandy Hook researcher point of view...
I couldn't be more pleased. Perhaps this is a means to getting some more information about this tragic day; as such I will review every document and exhibit I can.
Going further, just to stop hearing the hoaxers ask "why no lawsuits?" is worth something to me all by itself. Obviously, these parents have no trouble demonstrating their loss. Their trouble will be in getting around federal law to hold bushmaster accountable for their loss.
I will confidently predict Bushmaster would never entertain any hoaxer arguments even as they incur significant legal expense; this is because hoaxer logic is absurd and irrational. Perhaps the hoaxers will end up calling Bushmaster a "shill".
At any rate, this is the next chapter. I've been waiting for this chapter and I will continue to study and analyze this situation as facts and documents become available and as more legal actions are undertaken.
That is the purpose of this blog.
No Wolfgang Lawsuit...
In other news; we are approaching one month since the date Wolfgang Halbig promised his monetary donors he would file a lawsuit; Wolfgang has done absolutely nothing. There is nothing to report on the Hoaxer Conspiracy Theorist "lawsuit" front.
Here is a teaser for the upcoming debunking of the film "We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook". This may soon be the most debunked Video in history; however, that is simply due to the poor research skills of the producers. I throw my hat in the ring join other debunkers; here, I destroy the "Dash Camp time stamps don't match the report" meme pushed by Hoaxers... much more to come.
My heart is with all the families today.
My heart is with all the residents of Newtown, who still continue to suffer dearly.
My heart is with the school staff, who each day still do their jobs.
My heart is with the responders and investigative personnel.
Sandy Hook Elementary School PTA Form 990 for 2002-2013
While the ridiculous theory that the Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed was soundly debunked here http://sandyhookanalysis.blogspot.com/2014/07/sandy-hook-hoax-claims-debunked.html; hoaxers still persist in their claims. Intuitively, common sense should tell you by the countless news articles, budgets, activities, and meeting minutes, that the school was operating.
However, if you feel you have some "wiggle" room in suggesting the school was closed, let me give you some COLD HARD FACTS - numbers and money.
The following links provide even more information on the financial status of the Sandy Hook PTA good back to 2002 via their Non-Profit IRS filing, Form 990's.
Pending Sandy Hook Hoax Hoaxer Qui Tam action possible.
As hoaxer Wolfgang Halbig continues to shill for money and spin his wheels, it appears one conspiracy theorist might be ready to actually move!
The word on the street is that a soverign citizen a "freeman common law legal scholar" of sorts appears to be threatening to file a "whistleblower" lawsuit known as a "Qui Tam" related to the Sandy Hook school shooting.
Conceivably this type of "whistle blower" action could be brought against the contractors on behalf of the Tax Payer.
For example, if I put on my tin foil hat and widen my eyes, I could envision the lawsuit! In my vision, I could allege that the contractors who did the biohazard clean up in the school could not have actually cleaned up biohazards (since obviously the tens of thousands of illumanati freemason connected people involved in this vast evil conspiracy are keeping secrets!) and thus I could allege fraud!
I have no doubt that whatever is being alleged in this Qui Tam will likely be similarly patently absurd and I highly doubt the matter will be long entertained before any competent court.
A similar Qui Tam action was brought by Dr. Judy Wood related to 9-11 conspiracy theories and was summarily dismissed from beginning to end all the way up through the chain of appeals. Therefore, historically, the chances don't very appear good for the "online scholar conspiracy theorists" Qui Tam action.
However, the Sandy Hook crew just might garner a few blogger headlines, my blog being first to grant him said favor.
In any event, I certainly believe in the right of citizens to bring such actions and no one can doubt they serve an important function in society and I wish the "freeman on the land" the best of luck and will watch with interest and sincerely can't wait to see what he put together. More as the information becomes available.
However, that said. Allow me to introduce people to the terms Hoaxers will be receiving from the courts.
These quotes summarize the ruling crushing Judy Wood's conspiracy theorist Qui Tam, and this is the future of Hoaxer Qui Tam:
James Tracy has published a article on me on his conspiracy theorist rag, Memory Hole blog. His fabricated article maligns me; containing many false allegations.
I continue to receive near daily death threats, hack attacks, and video attacks as hoaxers continue their attempts to intimidate me and infringe on my freedom of speech. My videos and channels have been flagged many times. Can you say, Hypocrites!?!
Hoaxers are compounding their efforts by publishing bold faced lies to further instigate their minions to attacks on me.
James Tracy' blog, declaratively and with zero evidence, states that I, CW Wade, am operating several blogs as well as the "Newtown Post-Examiner" website and blog.
This is exemplified by James Tracy's in his lies on his blog.
” Through first one and now a handful of blogs....” [to slander and defame his precious hoaxers.]
There is NO handful of blogs, there is THIS blog. ONE Blog. MY blog. And I do not slander anyone, I copy paste what they say. If what they say “slanders” themselves, maybe they shouldn't say it! Making a false claim to instigate further attacks on me only proves my point.
Tracy goes on stating:
"In a bold move that only leads people to further suspect deception, Wade published another blog that this time he acquired a domain name for. The reason why a proprietary domain name was a requirement in this case was that it was needed to create the impression of being a regional news site. Writing articles now for the “Newtown Post-Examiner,” Wade appears to be making an attempt to pose as a writer working for a non-biased news organization. The strategy appears to be paying off to some degree. A few news stories on the web site quotes from the Newtown Post-Examiner. They don’t bother to clarify that it’s a blog and likely doesn’t employ an editorial review process."
As with most of James Tracy's drivel; this is poorly researched and inaccurate. In fact, this is a bold faced lie.
I, in fact do NOT publish, write, or own the Newtown Post-Examiner blog and I have never "written for" that blog.
The fact of the matter is there are several people who are tired of "hoaxer" groups stalking innocent people online, on their social media accounts, at their work, on the phone, and at their children’s schools. The people stalked are either in some way related to high profile incidents or some hoaxer has imagined they look similar to someone involved in a high profile crime, such as the Sandy Hook tragedy. Some of those tired of this stalking write blogs.
Additionally, there are some family members of victims and collateral victims that ARE sick of the daily harassment heaped upon them by hoaxers, they are sick of hoaxers stealing their intellectual property, and and they ARE fighting back.
THIS is my website. I have stated many times before and sworn I work for NO ONE in regards to Sandy Hook. I stand up for truth on my dime, in my free time of my OWN free will, with my OWN right of free speech and I too research this tragedy.
Newsflash! Hoaxers are not the only ones with free speech, hypocrites.
Lies about Copyright
As to the Copyright complaints, tough crap! (and no, I didn't file those either)
Unfortunately for the producers of the movie "We need to talk about Sandy Hook", the reports are the producers may have stolen quite a bit of material and there are MULTIPLE Copyright claims against that movie and certainly not limited to " HONR Network". Some legal agents may be involved at this point.
Reading the tea leaves, it appears independent claims from various potential plaintiffs, including companies and agent represented people who hold legal and registered copyright to that material, have been or are being filed and/or pursued. I personally have spoken with TWO different claimants and know of at least one - two others. That is a lot of claims!
Youtube also seems well aware of the multiple independent copyright claims; although that is just based on their reaction, which I agree is very stiff, although I'm not sure its permanent.
In short, it appears that the film and the collaborators are in or soon will be in very serious legal hot water. Guest what, Hoaxer? You don't have a first amendment right to steal stuff!
So before all of you hoaxers get a your panties bunched.. I have a great idea! Put out a film that doesn’t steal other peoples stuff. Problem solved! No copyright claims.
By the way, contrary to hoaxer belief, slapping "fair use" in front of stolen material is not the definition of "fair use". It needs to fit the criteria of fair use. Further, Fair Use is an AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE. It does not mean that there isn't a valid claim to the property you are stealing, it means that once you are sued for stealing it, you have a handy defense you can ATTEMPT.
Since there several claims against this film, I don't know how this will turn out. I personally doubt the film makers could claim "fair use" on at least three of the items I know of; however, I don't have a dog in that particular fight.
I know I stand with the families for truth against hoaxers and their intimidating tactics and harassment. Period.
By the way, the film makers KNOW exactly what they stole.. so ask them what it is that really getting them shut down.
Maybe, for once, you would get a straight answer from them… but I doubt it.
Since my forte is in depth research, that is what I do... so...
Countless hoaxers have claimed the "lack of lawsuits" is evidence of "Hoax". We have suffered this argument ad nauseaum; In fact, some hoaxers make a half way decent living using that mantra as part of "fleece other hoaxers" gimmicks and their monetized videos.
With the two-year statute of limitations approaching (for some causes of action), the Hoaxer's entire argument will soon be moot because the lawsuits are coming, as one would reasonably expect.
Probate estates are being or have been opened in children's names, with their parents as the administrators. This is the first legal step before a lawsuit can be filed. Some parents indicated they intended to file wrongful death lawsuits as a part of their probate filing.
The ten estates that have been opened as of Monday are for the families of victims:
Charlotte Bacon
Daniel Barden,
Dylan Hockley
Jesse Lewis
Ana Marquez-Greene
Grace McDonnell
Jack Pinto
Jessica Rekos
Arielle Richman
Benjamin Wheeler,
Just as I predicted this, I also predict there will be more filing by the end of the week.
The lawfirm filing today was Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder,
Well remembered for their wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the Michael Jackson family:
All of our hearts are with these families as they engage in what is likely to be nothing short of a legal nightmare. I hope some good will come of it. I believe it very well could lead to some important things.
I am proud to present a very worthwhile organization that is already making a positive impact.
DISCLAIMER* This is an opinion piece and not an advertisement. SandyHookFacts.com is not affiliated or partnered with HONR Network . This sites views may not represent the views of HONR Network or it’s volunteers and does not represent a formal position of HONR Network. Questions about HONR Network, their views, methods, or positions should be referred to HONR Network at honr.com.
HONR Network is a group of concerned volunteers serving to protect the privacy rights and intellectual property of HONR Networks as victim advocates. For the most part, HONR Network advocates for victims and collateral victims (family members, friends, responders) of high profile crimes.
Since the member list for HONR Network has been quietly growing and the funding is starting to become available, it is time to talk about HONR Network.
Online Predation
Did you know that innocent family photos and videos are stolen from social media accounts and used, without permission, in video productions and blog posts? These blogs and videos are put together by cretins, perverts, and wide-eyed conspiracy theorists. After stealing families photos and videos, these online predators package them, photoshop them, twist them, and then present them as part of sociopathic conspiracy theory, replete with running nonsensical commentary. These predators also publish these videos and photos in secret online gang stalking groups where they hold secret sessions and plot their next victims.
Further, these online predators monetize their videos, sell DVDs, and fund raise using innocent peoples unauthorized and stolen material. Some amateur documentarians make thousands of dollars stealing your property as they push "Hoax!"
Your photos are your intellectual property. Your videos are your intellectual property.
You have a right to privacy.
And you do not need to be a victim
of online gangs of the mentally disturbed.
Let's take a few examples, such as what I present in my "Sandy Hook Hoax Grave Stalkers" video.
For example, one well published public figure and film maker of numerous amateur documentaries on several wacky conspiracy theories, including "Boston Bombing hoax" and "Sandy Hook hoax". As an example, here, she appears to have snagged nearly the ENTIRETY of an Facebook account of an innocent person with screen capture software and begains comparing the person to a deceased child. The goal is quite sick: prove the deceased child is alive and is this random person. The maker claims her "recognition skills"enable her to find the dead, alive. The film maker alsowent so far as to create a series called "The Not So Dead" where she repeats this behavior over and over, even with minor children.
Obviously, these conspiracy theorist will not not seek your permission if they decide to use the photos or videos of your child to support some preposterous delusion.
HONR Network has banded together with dedicated friends and allies to help monitor the hateful groups violating peoples rights and stalking victims of high profile crime.
Invading Privacy:
One example, of many, of Kozak victimizing innocent people.
Many Youtubers no problem invading your privacy and posting you and your entire families address, phone numbers, children's school location, and your place of employment and putting this information in videos and publishing that content to their internet groups and on the internet.
You can bet that you would not want your home and child's school information published to Youtubers.
Theft of Intellectual Property
You do NOT have to stand by and allow these people to steal your stuff and you especially do not have to allow them to profit off of them.
You have rights! They can be exercised.
Why is HONR Network here?
Victims of high profile crimes, such as the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, suffer horrific loss. After the crime, they are subject to press, exaggeration, and misreporting.
The victims are then subject to conspiracy theorists. Many are mentally ill with criminal records. The conspiracy theorists stalk, harass, intimidate, threaten, and bully the crime victims relentlessly.
As a recipient of hack attacks, death threats, bully attempts, and harassment on a daily basis, I know exactly how intimidating these conspiracy theorists can be.
HONR Network is here to help victims stand up to online bullies!
What does HONR Network do?
Many victims are intimidated and cannot risk standing up to the online conspiracy theorists. HONR Network acts on the victim's behalf using HONR Networks name and network. YOUR ally to stand up to these online stalking groups. You remain undisclosed. This keeps your name and your family from becoming further targets of internet predators, harassers, and conspiracy theorists.
Legal Action
HONR Network is currently assembling a legal team of volunteer lawyers and paralegals. HONR Network is also accepting donations to take action to the next level. HONR Network is presently assembling legal teams in the USA and Canada. Please contact HONR Network if you would like to help the cause!
TOS Action
While some forms of conspiracy theory harassment may not be legally actionable (or legal action may not be feasible), it may still violate the "Terms of Service" of the social media site itself. HONR Network formally makes contact with the social media site to make sure the social media is aware of the violation. Often, this results in removal of the material and of the entire account of the offender.
Copyright Complaints
Youtube Conspiracy Theorists believe they can steal your photos and videos and slap a "fair use" label on it and, viola, instant product for their wacky ideals, fundraising, and monetized videos.
HONR Network fights back filing Copyright violations with the host sites. Often, a formal Copyright complaint is enough to get the host site to remove the offending material, thus mitigating the damage caused by their theft.
On Nov. 21, 2014 The State of Connecticut Office of the Chief Advocate (OCA) released their Report on the Sandy Hook Shooting.This article is my first attempt at assemilating the information learned in the report into my ongoing investigation into the Sandy Hook shooting.
"People need to undersand [AL] was a rainman of mass murder unlike any other we’ve had; moreover, his sickness and mindset is ONLY matched by the sickest of serial killers. " -- C.W. Wade, June 6, 2014
"The FBI Behavior Analysis Unit determined after an exhaustive forensic review of AL’s computer usage that his obsession and attention to detail with mass killing was unprecedented." - OCA report page 103, released Nov 21, 2014.
Since the OCA report refers to the Sandy Hook shooter as "AL", I will follow suit for this article.
AL class photo. AL is arm's reach from teacher
The report added to the dozens of police and medical professionals who have been involved with the formal investigation, including the Connecticut's Sandy Hook Report.
The OCA report was primarily authored by six noted professionals, including doctors, with eight other contributors, forming a commission. The commission had access to the full unredacted police report, subpoena powers, access to medical records with signed release by Peter Lanza, AL's "next of kin". Additionally, the commission had access to first hand witnesses, including medical professionals, educators, and AL's peers and AL's education reports. The report provides detailed information on statements of witnesses as well as the findings of this commission.
In that light, the report is impossible to forge, by any rational assessment. Therefore, to say this report takes a sledge hammer to Hoaxer claims that "AL isn't real" is an understatement. To make such a claim, in the face of overwhelming evidence, from numerous witnesses to certified death certificate, without any evidence at all, flies in the face of logical discussion. .
The commission reported that Peter Lanza was cooperative with the investigation. I have been very critical of Peter due to my perception that he was withholding information from the general public.
While Peter still continues to withhold information from the public at large, at least Peter is cooperating with the formal investigation. That said, noticeably absent from the OCA report is input from AL's brother, Ryan. Certainly Ryan's perspective would have been a valuable addition. Indeed, he may have been the only truly sane person in the household for a number of years and he is the only person alive to have witness AL's home-life during later years, first hand. At this point I must infer he declined.
To those of us that have studied AL's online writings as "Smiggles" as well as numerous other previous reports on his psychological condition, many of the overall findings by OCA report were not new; however, there was significant new detailed information in the report.
AL was different, likely from the moment of his birth.
As a Toddler, AL was identified for disability, having been seen by the New Hampshire's "Birth to Three" intervention program for "communication, sensory difficulties, socialization delays, and repetitive behaviors". "Socialization issues and repetitive behaviors" should be noted since eighteen years later, those issues were still present as he attacked the elementary school.
Since his psychological problems presented since infancy, there is no doubt AL suffered very real disability that very likely could have been managed.
Treating his speech and language difficulties, a physical manifestation, was an early educational goal and it appears the treatments were accepted by Nancy. As such, it appears the treatments were successful If one listens to AL's speech patterns as an adult or reads his writings, AL speaks and writes with some precision; almost mechanically.
AL's preschool evaluator postulated that "AL may have... sensory integration disorder, and that he displayed 'many rituals' in his behavior." The evaluator recommended follow-up with neurology, and work with an occupational therapist certified in sensory integration therapy.
Sensory integration disorders are commonly seen in developmental disorders such as autism (1) , therefore, even at the earliest age, he was identified and referred to the appropriate professionals for a full workup.
Throughout the OCA report, we see referrals and we see educators decided his impairments were "not impeding his ability to learn", and thus he was pushed through, despite his presentations.
By age five, AL's neurological assessment noted:
For perspective, I refer to Liza Long, a mother of a child similar to Adam Lanza and author of "I am Adam Lanza's Mother" (2). I have followed her writings and interviews closely to help me understand AL from her perspective, a mother advocating for her child. What Ms. Long has said as pertaining to her child has often matched closely with my findings on AL. For example, Ms. Long's child was noted for severe tantrums by Age 5. So to was AL. (3),
"AL was an extremely active young child—he never slept through the night, continued to make up his own language, and reportedly did not like to be held, kissed or hugged. He was observed and reported to have odd repetitive behaviors and severe temper tantrums.AL was reported, at times, to “sit and hit his head repeatedly.” He did not tolerate touch or textures and refused to dress."
Later the OCA report describes AL's head injury that has been known about:
AL sustained and injury to his head the night before Mrs. Lanza left for a trip to New Hampshire—2 or 3 days prior to the Sandy Hook shooting. Mrs. Lanza describes his injury in a text message reading “bloody, bloody, bloody.” Mrs. Lanza went on her trip anyway, and returned on December 13, 2012.
We will never know what caused this "bloody head injury" but I highly suspect i t was self-inflicted, a tantrum, or head banging incident.
While Liza Long writes she is "Adam Lanza's mother", Liza Long is no Nancy Lanza. Ms. Long's parenting is certainly much different. she is proactive, seeks treatment and assistance in raising her child; she speaks out, she advocates for therapeutic treatments of her child. Therein is the likely difference between how AL turned out versus how Liza Long's son will turn out.
"Not the hollow eyed killer, this is the child that needs help." Liza Long
By high school, AL's teachers were clearly very clearly acutely aware of AL, and his special needs.
Here, a high school teacher is responding to the news that AL would be joining her class. To put this in context, conceptualize that this response clearly demonstrates many discussions among the teachers and quite a reputation that precedes AL.
OH MY GOSH! AL is ready to join my class??? I HAD BETTER GET READY! I’m so nervous! Let’s talk . . . are they starting with a short visit or two or jumping right in and seeing how it goes with the potential to leave early as needed??? What about “prepping” my class before his arrival --- today I have an appointment at 2:30 . . . but we can talk on the phone tonight . . .
The communication demonstrates a near panic from a professional educator that deals with dozens of teenagers every single day. I think this point has been understated. The school knew AL and knew his problems. AL was no mystery to these educators.
In AL's early years his parents worked to secure several different evaluations, but they were not diligent in finishing these pursuits. They did not finish what they started. To me it seems probable that these early interactions and frustrations had a negative impact on Nancy and AL, since the story becomes quite different as AL gets older and he is removed from therapeutic options.
The report details that AL did not receive his well child check ups; even while he was being taken to the hospital to receive treatment for damage to his skin caused by AL's handwashing. Handwashing to the point of excoriation is obviously significant obsessive behavior.
OCA presents the statement of one of AL's elementary classmates who reported that AL came over to his house for a birthday but he thought it was odd "AL's mother stayed for the entire party."
Ask yourself, why? Then look back and answer, "Severe tantrums." Nancy wanted her child to socialize but she could not trust AL to leave him alone with other children, not even for a birthday party.
AL did fine with rote learning of material presented in class. He was exceptional at math. This fostered his ability to work the system, or more appropriately, allowed the system to push AL through, and it allowed AL to work his mother into believing he was gifted. "Bright" is not "gifted".
Meanwhile, his psychological conditions were not treated at appropriate level or with appropriate interventions, thus resulting in severe physiological response.
Nancy Lanza's Mental Problems
A major area that remains to be thoroughly explored is Nancy Lanza's mental state. Nancy was the one whose perceptions were guiding the treatment (or lack thereof) of AL; she was the one interpreting behaviors of AL. Nancy was making the educational and life decisions. Nancy's restating of his alleged diagnosis is what got charted and listed in school meetings and set the tone for medical evaluation. The school never insisted on a full formal written diagnosis by professionals as was required by state and federal mandate even as the school allowed AL to discontinue schooling. I
It important to note AL was not "home schooled", he was "home bound", deemed physically unable to attend school due to disability. This fact is based on decisions made by Nancy.
Alcohol, by the case
One subject not explored by the OCA and not discussed by the press is what I consider to be a major "elephant in the room". Nancy may very well have been an severe alcoholic.
Alcohol was very much a central theme of Nancy. From her extensive supply, to her decor, to friends statements, to her outings to bars, and trips; Alcohol appears ever present.
While Nancy's home was well stocked with a huge supply of alcohol, we know AL did not tolerate visitors nor drink himself, so who was it for? George Thorogood's lyric "when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself" pops to mind. More photos below showing the alcohol are below. (4).
Additionally, Nancy Lanza pretended to have terminal illness. An instance in the report from 1999:
Mrs. Lanza talked about having had enough time to get [Ryan and AL] settled in, but that she may have only “months to live.”
The general public has known Nancy Lanza said these things since the earliest reports after the shooting: she "feared her time was running out", written December 18, 2012.
The report divulged an email between AL and Nancy; the email was obviously a conciliatory attempt by AL. Nancy's response was longwinded and I suggest it be reviewed in it's entirety (7); however, this portion stood out:
There is nothing that I can do about my diagnosis, and I do try to be as healthy as I can, despite the prognosis. I am sure that you noticed that I exercise regularly and do my best to stay in good shape. It’s not like I have the attitude that since I will be crippled anyway I may as well give up and get fat and sedentary now. I am working hard to stay as healthy as I can, for as long as I can.
What the public didn't have before the OCA report was confirmation that Nancy Lanza did not have a terminal illness. This fact even shocked Peter Lanza, her ex-husband.
A mother walking around convincing her own husband, friends and family, including her disabled son, that she is in terminal stages of disease, when she in fact does not have that diagnosis nor ongoing medical treatment, demonstrates psychological illness. This form of psychological illness would not ever likely be recognized by society on first glance; however, its important to note this as we attempt to gain an understanding the factors that fostered her animal living upstairs.
Nonetheless, Nancy Lanza appeared normal to society at large; the reality is she was struggling with mental illness or disease, including likely alcoholism, on her own. There are certainly indications that she suffered both Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen by Proxy symptoms; however, I think more professional assessments of these mental issues need to be explored.
I will admit that one side of me can't help but wonder if Nancy's claimed disease "MS" stood for "My Son" and Nancy somehow knew her terminal illness was her own son, AL; I digress, for it's best to stay more scientific in analysis.
An Obsessive Compulsive depressed anxiety ridden depressed child.
The following signs and symptoms were observed in AL throughout his life, even from earliest childhood:
Aversion to tactile sensations (refusal to touch door knobs, certain textures)
Aversion and severe reactions to odors
Withdrawal from peers
Head banging
Lacked empathy and proper social interaction
Depression (note: elementary school diagnosis of this)
Panic attacks
Obsessive hand washing to the point of excoriated skin
Perservative behaviors (uncontrollable repetition of thoughts, actions, and/or emotion)
Severe anxiety ("Most anxious youth" he'd ever seen - Dr. Fox, AL's psychiatrist)
Some diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger's Syndrome
Phobia's of germs, dirt, and other people
Weight loss (full blown debilitating anorexia at death, however, noted several years earlier)
An online post by AL on the subject of Ice Cream, demonstrates his extreme thought process and phobias, written in 2009:
"...when I think of ice cream, I can only see a repugnant lump of
pus crushed out of cows' bloody nipples, who spend their entire lives
confined in filth, where they're periodically raped so that they're
incessantly pregnant, after which their calves are seized from them,
destined to live the life of veal, with their only relief being an early
death. From there, I always ride the pessimism train down different
tracks until it inevitably leads me to contemplating over 500 million
years of animals cannibalizing each other. Excuse me for not being
thrilled by the extra jimmies on my ice cream cone."
Soy milk, Flax Seed, and Water
When AL was in 8th Grade, Nancy took him to Danbury Hospital because AL was having:
"trouble in school, trouble in groups, and exhibiting repetitive behaviors which had gotten worse in recent days. Mother reportedly feared the “beginning of possible autism.”"
While these were the symptoms, the actual reason she took him to the hospital was to obtain a medical recommendation to allow AL to "stay home from school indefinitely." Quite obviously, Danbury Hospital personnel referred AL to further testing, as would be an expected reasonable standard of care. Nancy irrationally declined this further testing, instead seeking out what the report terms to be a "community psychiatrist".
Those of us familiar with this even recognize that is likely Dr. Paul Fox, who surrendered his license and fled to New Zealand after it was revealed Dr. Fox had sex with patients.
AL was never formally diagnosed with Autism or otherwise, because neither of his parents followed through.
The OCA report documents 20 payments to the community psychiatrist by Lanza family between November 15, 2005 and July, 2007. That translates to about 1 visit per month. Considering the psychological problems AL was exhibiting, not to mention physical manifestation of the psychological issues, including a complete inability to attend school, it seems Nancy should have sought further evaluation and more treatment and guidance from trained professionals. Dr. Fox's treatment regime is minimal at best.
Moreover, Nancy declined to a full "work up". Nancy allowed AL to refuse medication or refused it on his behalf. Nancy even felt it was "abusive" to allow AL to stay in Danbury hospital or engange in their recommended evaluations or treatments.
The psychiatrist reported that Nancy was not interested in having AL take medications to ameliorate AL's symptoms. She seems to have reinforced these beliefs in AL, as demonstrated by this writing:
"Therapists are secular priests who assert that they have some "truth", and if your values deviate, then you are "wrong". Hence, The Rapist. They impose their values onto you through their mindfucking." -- AL post in September, 2011
The apple did not fall far from the tree. Nancy's refusal to allow a full diagnostic workup and refusal to insist on follow up care and refusal to engage in attempts at managing AL's disability demonstrates marked neglect.
That manifested itself to the state of Connecticut in the form of a child not attending school regularly. The report details the deficiency in the school district's responses in dealing with AL, which was not in accordance with state or federal standards.
As the signs were missed, ignored, or disregarded, the progression of AL's illness was drastic as he got older.
The lack of proactive correct rational parenting weighs heavy from the report. Nancy sought relatively few professionals and of those few actually consulted, Nancy promptly "fired" any professional that did not follow what she wanted to be done. Physical therapeutic treatment of substance were not tolerated by either Nancy nor AL himself.
Nancy seemed happiest to wrap herself in the fantasy AL was some higher functioning quirky human, while physically, mentally, and emotionally, AL wasted away. While, from a social point of view, it would have been tragic for AL to simply die in his sleep of parental neglect and starvation, the fact is, the children at Sandy Hook Elementary School were not that lucky; for AL attacked, exploded with a final act of abhorrent violence armed with tools of mass killing.
Nancy's parenting failure is aptly demonstrated when Nancy engaged the services of the Yale Child Study Center in 2006. Peter Lanza, as usual, abdicated involvement; Nancy bearing full responsibility and control.
The Yale psychiatrist's initial report stated that AL presented himself as a “pale, gaunt, and awkward young adolescent standing rigidly with downcast gaze and declining to shake hands.”
Considering his known problems with weight, pale guant skin could be a physical manifestation of early onset of anorexia.(6) AL is 14 years old at the time. The report goes on:
AL’s mother told the Yale psychiatrist that he used to look at people but did not anymore. AL then asked rhetorically, “Why should I have to.” When the doctor explained all of the information that a person could learn by looking at a facial expression, such as a smile, AL stated that people could interpret smiles differently: “Some primates smile when they are frightened.”
When asked for three magic wishes, AL could not think of any and instead he said that “he would wish that whatever was granting the wishes would not exist.”
“Asked, ‘What is a friend?’ AL replied, ‘It is difficult to define -- in whose culture do you refer?’ Told ‘AL’s,’ he replied, ‘I do not know.’ Asked whether he would like to have more friends, AL said no.”
According to the report, AL displayed a variety of rigid, controlling, and avoidant behaviors including his refusal to open doors for himself because he did not like to touch the doorknobs, and his worries about contamination of grease, dirt, and dust. AL was reported to be placing limits on his mother’s behavior (e.g. by not allowing her to lean on things because it was improper). He had a variety of food rituals as well, related to texture. The doctor noted that AL had experienced a variety of marked changes in seventh grade, including no longer talking on the phone, using e-mail, or engaging in outdoor activities, and he had become increasingly socially withdrawn and reclusive. AL reportedly had not had any psychological testing.
Here, AL is controlling Nancy in what is almost an abusive relationship type manner. Who is he to tell his mother it is improper to lean on something? AL's email to her, discussed earlier, (7) also seems to demonstrate that he feels the need to provide her "fatherly" advice, and while he goes so far as to state that the intent is not to be condescending, the message is indeed condescending on it's face.
"You do not seem to understand that I was attempting to comfort you with what I consider to be a maxim with which to live. You unfortunately probably still do not understand what I mean. As a disclaimer: I type nothing in this that is in a tone that is condescending, vindictive, malicious, snide, malignant, or any synonym that you can think of. I mean well."
"There is something that I can assure you of that will always be true: it does not matter if you live for the next one year, five years, ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, thirty years, fifty years or even 100 years; the day before you die you will regret ever worrying about your life instead of thinking of what you want to do." AL to Nancy
Ironic "assurance" from the troubled youth, especially considering that a few years later, AL murdered Nancy, shooting her in the head as she slept.
According to Liza Long, the parent of a child presenting problems such AL does, begins walking on "egg shells" at home, careful not to cause a situation where the child will have an "episode". In this way is it is easy to see how the child could gain some control.
The report does seem to display public presentation of Nancy's unwillingness to allow AL to receive proper care and to block it by use of near hyperbole.
"A pediatric visit for joint pain again documented Mrs. Lanza’s statements about the potential for seizures if blood was drawn as part of the diagnostic process. The actuality of a seizure disorder remained unclear. Medical records note a history of possible seizure disorder, and a febrile seizure as an infant."
Considering there was no formal diagnosis of AL's "seizures", this can easily be interpreted to mean Nancy feared AL would throw a fit. Here again, Nancy is also presenting a false diagnosis of disease that gets charted by medical professionals; however, she never follows up with appropriate medical care. Yale's Advance Practice Nurse (APRN) convinced AL's mother to try medication ended with a similar "seizure" claim.
In later police interviews the APRN described AL’s mother’s response to her recommendations for medication as “non-compliant.” Immediately after prescribing the medication, the clinician received a call from the mother reporting that AL was “unable to raise his arm.” Mrs. Lanza stated that AL was attributing this symptom to the medication. An email from Mrs. Lanza to the clinic indicated that AL took the medication for three days. Mrs. Lanza wrote an email that AL experienced immediate and diverse symptoms associated with the medication, including “decreased appetitive and nausea . . . dizziness . . . disorientation,” disjointed speech, and sweating. She stated that “he couldn’t think. He sat in his room, doing nothing.”
Despite the APRN’s attempt to convince the mother that the medication could not be producing the problems with AL’s arm, and that other symptoms could be managed with time and appropriate dosing, Mrs. Lanza said AL would be discontinuing the medication. The APRN urged Mrs. Lanza to encourage him to progress with the medication and noted that Mrs. Lanza observed a decrease in some of his obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Mrs. Lanza replied that AL’s symptoms in response to the medication were very severe, that he was “practically vegetative,” so he could not be seen as having improved.
Even if I believed the above was a true physical response to the treatment, which I don't, I do not believe Nancy's reaction to the alleged symptoms demonstrate appropriate parental response. If your son was truly paralyzed from a response to medication, woudn't you call an ambulance or rush him to the hospital? Here, Nancy's response was to fire off an email to the ARPR and discontinue all treatment all. Adam's alleged "seizure" won the day.
It was Reed Coleman on the http://sandyhooklighthouse.wordpress.com/ blog who first observed that the house appeared to display signs of AL's "fits". The wall and door show damage and attempt to hide damage.
Based on Reed's observation, I looked through some other photos and found the house showed other signs of physical damage.
I would like to point out this photo of the blood spattered nightstand near Nancy's bed, below. It appears the phone has been ripped from the wall before. Very common in domestic violence is disabling and damaging phones.
It appears AL followed Nancy's lead on aversion to medical treatment. To coincide with the aversion to medical treatment, she had a propensity to formulate her own diagnosis .
There was never a definitive formal diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome; indeed, based on the OCA report, that appears to have been pushed mostly by Nancy Lanza, who followed up the diagnosis by refusing to engage the appropriate therapeutic treatments of Aspergers syndrome.
For a parent to not seek care of a child allegedly suffering seizures, autism, and Asperger's demonstrates irrational response by Nancy, indicative of her own sunken mental state, which was likely made worse by alcohol.
The shooters Anorexia Nervosa
Early in my research I identified AL's anorexia to be a significant factor in the shooting. This factor has been primarily ignored by the press. The press seems to crave the autism angle. I have always doubted the Autism angle, especially the Aspergers, diagnosis. I feel some vindication after this report since other professionals who treated AL also doubted these diagnosis.
There is no doubt he was severely depressed and suffered debilitating anxieties and phobias and there is now, no doubt about AL's anorexia because this report finally discusses this very important factor.
I included some discussion of AL's obvious anorexia in my video "Adam Lanza Rampage" that I published in April, 2014.
This is important because anorexics suffer metabolic imbalances that lead to sever physiological consequences. According to the OCA, by 10th grade AL was 5'10 and weighed 112 indicating possible anorexia even then. The report goes on:
The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner found that at death, AL was anorexic (six feet tall and 112 pounds), to the point of malnutrition and resultant brain damage. This finding raises questions regarding how he, living at home and spending the majority of his time on his own, physically presented to his mother.
I refer you back to the photo above of the refrigerator. The fact is, he was not eating much, if at all. Nancy Lanza had reportedly taken eight "mini-vacations" leaving AL at home. I believe that at the time of the attack, AL was in a physical stage of dying of starvation.
For months, he had played Dance Dance Revolution and he had stamina and resistance to pain and exhaustion; however, by December, I believe he was at the end, mentally and physically, and he knew it.
I also note his attire at the time, as viewed from his dirty laudry. Khaki cargo pants and black polo shirts. This is significant considering he wasn't leaving the house during this period, so why wear such heavy clothing? I believe it is to cover his weigh loss by his habitual heavy loose clothing, even at home.
I also note that while he was known for wearing blue shirts, according to many reports and even photographs, its obvious he had changed to black, in his final days, perhaps symbolic of his mental shift.
AL's attire, lifelong affliction with low weight problems, and Nancy's apparent obliviousness (possibly alcohol induced obliviousness) to the realities of her son all combined to allow AL to waste mentally and psychically right in front of her eyes, while she did nothing.
Anorexia has the HIGHEST mortality rate of ANY psychological disorder. Anorexics have the highest suicide rate of any psychological disorder. The pre-suicide warning signs include:
Ideation (threatening to hurt or kill oneself) Substance abuse (increased or excessive substance use)
Purposelessness (no reason for living) Anxiety Trapped (feeling there’s no way out) Hopelessness (about the future)
Withdrawal (withdrawing from friends, family, activities) Anger Recklessness Mood changes
http://www.socialworktoday.com/news/enews_0812_01.shtml With the exception of substance abuse, every mark hits symptoms presented by AL, as affirmed by the OCA report.
Nancy Lanza steers the conversation towards autism, and even the more remote possibility of Asperger's, even after her death. It's time the professionals who actually examined and treated AL be considered along with the findings of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
The person, lying dead on the floor of Classroom 10, having murdered so many, was an mass murder obsessed suicidal anorexic who suffered a life long affliction with severe anxiety and depression. That was AL, that is with whom society wrestles with and who destroyed so much. The Guns
The OCA report also lacks any expertise whatsoever in regards to firearms. It seems to me a thorough review should have included opinion and review by a firearms expert. This misses the mark on a very important issue.
The report did not and could not answer the most nagging question:
Nancy, why, if your child was so disturbed, did you purchase him weapons and give access to those weapons?
People close to Nancy have suggested that guns were a means of connecting with AL. Peter, in the report, stated he would rent firearms and take AL shooting. This was something AL enjoyed and I'm sure, that as parents, they wanted to engage him in subjects of his interest. While I can accept that, it it doesn't explain two semi-automatic pistols, a Saiga semi-auto shotgun, and an AR-15 sitting in his gaming room. Not to mention two other rifles, including the rifle that ended Nancy Lanza, a .22 rifle.
Liza Long, mentioned above, tucks her cooking knives away in tupperware and takes them with her, out of fear of her son. I think of the box of knives hidden away in the attic of Nancy Lanza's home, obviously out of reach.
Not only the guns were found, but multiple large capacity magazines; including two very expensive twenty round drum magazines for the Saiga and more than 15 30-round magazines for the AR-15. As I've discussed in video and article, this arsenal was obviously assembled with specific intent and purpose.
Even the gun safe itself was minimal and would not have stopped any one inclined to breach it. That type of gun safe can be easily breached with crow bar or a hammer, were one inclined to break into it.
In AL's home, not only were the weapons in his gaming room, it appears AL had ready access by means of a key; a key not attached to Nancy's key ring, found in her purse. It's safe to conclude AL had unfettered access to weapons and means of accumulating ammunition and magazines for those weapons.
Since my first video on the subject "Sandy Hook: The Deadliest Minute" I have openly disagreed with the suggestion that Nancy Lanza was a gun enthusiast, a "prepper", or a survivalist. This is because Nancy has no gear, books, magazines, or other evidence which would support the claim. Not a camping stove to be had. Nancy's areas of the home were "alcohol, frills, and dolls". There wasn't so much as a pocket knife photographed in her bedroom.
The gun cleaning kit, found in the dining room, in a oil soaked cardboard box, was a joke, by any firearm enthusiasts standards. It was a fire hazard and wholly inadequate.
Simply put, this is not the gun cleaning kit of a survivalist, prepper, or gun enthusiast. This was more of a box stuff that had nothing to do with the care of thousands of dollars worth of firearms. A place where AL threw cleaning items, most of which came with the fire arms upon purchase and of which he had no knowledge of their proper use.
I have noted before, you do not need to clean firearms in video games; video games being the lions share of his "training".
The guns were found in a room I called AL's "Guns and Gaming" room. That is, a bedroom filled with gaming consoles and firearms related stuff.
While the final report concluded that every 5.56 mm casings at the school was fired by the AR-15, the report also demonstrates AL's lack of weapon care stating"
"The physical condition of the bullet jacket surfaces were severely damaged and corroded. They all lacked individual striated marks of sufficient agreement for the identification process. The test fires also exhibited a lack of individual striated marks on the bullet surface for comparison purposes. This condition can be caused by fouling in the barrel of the rifle and the ammunition itself."
That is why this exchange from AL to Nancy in the OCA report popped out to me as significant:
"I also want to mention that I purchased something two weeks ago on Newegg to double your computer’s memory without even saying anything until now. I do not try to avoid doing anything for you as you seem to think."
Here, a 16 year old disabled teen, incapable of going to school, has the capability of online ordering, payments, receiving, and installing computer parts and Nancy never even knew. Nancy's response is telling:
"You should let me know when you do thoughtful things so that you can get credit!"
How much more did he order in her name with Nancy blissfully (and/or drunkenly) unaware? In terms of weapons, I'm quite sure she played a significant role because of strict laws in Connecticut; however, considering all the "extras" he had, I can't help but wonder if he had free reign and slowly built up the complimentary ammo and magazines to go along with the weapons.
While the report documents emails between Nancy and the suppliers, does one really know to whom they are emailing or mailing? AL obviously had access to Nancy's computer; confirmed by the OCA report.
In terms of AL, the most significant period was after 2010, and the report is weakest in this area simply because there was little contact with the reclusive AL.
In my view, that is when he went from ideation to actual planning the massacre and assembling the required implements to carry out his plans. The report claims that Nancy Lanza's planned move out of the state set him off. Overlooked is reports that she may have also been planning on selling the guns. Indeed, State Police final report documents she had blank weapons transfer paper work. His world obsessed on mass murder. To lose guns could have also been a tipping point. Considered his advanced starvation, anything could have set him off.
He created a mass murder spreadsheet that was reportedly over 7 feet long. To gain an appreciation of what something like this might look like, you can look online http://www.spreekillers.ch obviously created by mass murder fan boys. AL was just such a person. This was his online peer group. An expert who would edit Wikipedia articles about mass murders, perfecting and fine tuning them, going as far back as 2009.
The OCA report provided the following commentary on his mass murder obsessed peer group (Shockedbeyondbelief.com) :
Unlike normalizing influences and positive community peer groups, his cyber group would have had little willingness or ability to stop his dangerous trajectory or to offer cautioning feedback to him about his impulses. The emails exchanged between AL and members of this macabre online community offer a rather breathtaking reflection of a negative micro-society within our midst.
I couldn't help but wonder, wait till society at large get's a load of stalker groups, such as Sandy Hook Hoaxers.
While acknowledging AL's obsession, the OCA report heavily understates his expertise and extensive knowledge and failed to delve far enough into the subject. The length and breadth of his knowledge of mass murder has been documented by online researchers including myself and the Sandy Hook Lighthouse blog.
This is the key to study of the cause of the Sandy Hook shooting in my view, and this is where the OCA came up short. That is likely because as educators, their focus on understanding AL in terms of helping to recognize mental illness in children by their colleagues, instead of a singular focus on developing on understanding and motive of this particular shooter.
This shooter, AL stood in front of a restroom packed with screaming terrified small children and fired 80 rifle rounds into them, changing magazines and advancing as he fired; unimaginable carnage. He killed everyone in that bathroom, except one child. AL was no expert rifleman, it didnt take an expert rifleman, literally nearly anyone could psychically do the task; what makes the AL different is he was mentally able to do the horrendous act.
I stand by my earliest assessments of AL, and feel this new reports supports my initial findings.
AL was, mentally, a serial killer. His act was that of a spree killer same as many others, but his methodology and mind set was sick, that of one of the most cruel, vicious, child killing evil serial killers of our time. He was a war criminal. He fermented his twisted mind, untreated, in his dark room, with online peer support. Feeding his hate of people with his love of the idea of mass shooting sprees. Meanwhile, his mother aided him, inexplicably arming him, ensuring Adam Lanza was indeed, AL was an able "child", able to commit murder on unimaginable scale.
It is unfortunate treatment for his other disorders was not successfully pursued (or allowed to be pursued); for with diligence, perhaps things would been different.
I have no doubt that had Nancy had the ability to intervene, if she had the mental capacity, if she accepted some help that was offered, if she had accepted appopriate treatments or at least considered multiple option for appropriate treatment, and if she simply had the common sense not to allow him such a deadly array of firearms, Sandy Hook would never have happened.
The report noted several areas where the schools failed compliance with federal and state standards. Focus may need to be on reinforcing what we already have in place, and improving those areas instead of looking for "new" criteria.
We know children need formal diagnosis to be allowed exemption from education.
We know mentally deranged people should not have firearms.
We know disabled people should receive care.
Nothing new here with AL, we just need to focus on what we know and improve.
4. More photos that indicate alcohol as central theme of Nancy Lanza's home life:
of Nancy Lanza's home.
5. OCA Report page 31
There is no indication that Mrs. Lanza was provided a terminal diagnosis by doctors at any time. A 2008 medical record indicates some findings “consistent with [Mrs. Lanza’s] known history of multiple sclerosis.” A 2010 medical record for AL indicated that there is a “maternal history of [m]ultiple [s]clerosis.” However, a 2012 medical record signed by Mrs. Lanza’s primary care physician indicated that the physician treated Mrs. Lanza for over eight years, had seen her many times, and had “never noticed or treated any symptoms of multiple sclerosis.” The medical form also stated that there were no related medical conditions or history. This medical record was part of an application for insurance. A psychiatric evaluation of AL in October 2006 outlines family medical history but does not identify a history of maternal Multiple Sclerosis, though Mrs. Lanza was present for the evaluation. During a present-day interview with OCA, Mr. Lanza initially expressed his belief that Mrs. Lanza had been diagnosed with MS in the late 1990’s, and that her correspondence from the time likely reflected her emotional state in the wake of her diagnosis. According to Mr. Lanza, she subsequently received periodic treatment and evaluation from that time forward. However, Mr. Lanza then later indicated that, after further review of Mrs. Lanza’s records, it did not appear that a doctor seeing Mrs. Lanza in the years prior to her death had actually diagnosed her as having MS, nor did autopsy results confirm the presence of findings consistent with MS. Authors cannot account for the variable documentation on this issue. However, it is important to note that Mr. Lanza reversed his firm belief in the reliability of Mrs. Lanza’s statements regarding her medical condition and treatment following a review of additional relevant documentation.
7. Full text of emails between AL and Nancy from the report
August 2008 (AL is 16 years old, 11th grade): Email from AL to His mother, 11:25 p.m.
You do not seem to understand that I was attempting to comfort you with what I consider to be a maxim with which to live. You unfortunately probably still do not understand what I mean. As a disclaimer: I type nothing in this that is in a tone that is condescending, vindictive, malicious, snide, malignant, or any synonym that you can think of. I mean well.
If you believe that you wasted your life, as you seem to have insinuated, you will gain nothing from regretting it and will only depress yourself; you cannot change anything from the past. There is something that I can assure you of that will always be true: it does not matter if you live for the next one year, five years, ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, thirty years, fifty years or even 100 years; the day before you die you will regret ever worrying about your life instead of thinking of what you want to do.
Every new year that you do live, you will regret not having started anything that you wanted to do the year prior, only regretting the past more.
What I mean is that you should think of what you want to do today; not starting next year or next month, but today. Thinking that you are not going to be able to do anything in the future will only ensure that fate. Also thinking that you are too “old” is going to ensure the same fate.
It is not as though I do not mean that you are homeless and begging; I would spend my life savings to prevent that out of obligation for what you have done for me. My personality is merely inherently unmoving; I will not be upset over something that you cannot change. And you should not be upset either. What you should do is think about what you want to do.
I also want to mention that I purchased something two weeks ago on Newegg to double your computer’s memory without even saying anything until now. I do not try to avoid doing anything for you as you seem to think. I am glad that I was born, and I appreciate your having taken care of me. (It is not my fault if you have not detected as much of an increase in speed as I would have liked, however; I blame its outdated processor. I would change that if I could, but it’s not possible to do so for your model.) Please read the first paragraph again.
Email Response from Mrs. Lanza, 1:05 a.m.
I appreciate your effort to be a comfort to me. I apologize if I seemed angry or antagonistic. I was simply over emotional and as it is often the case worrying about the future. I admit that I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by my circumstances lately, but in no way do I regret having raised two wonderful children. I have high hopes for you both and will consider my life a success if you and Ryan live happy and productive lives.
There are a few things that I do regret . . . one of the biggest is that I dropped out of college, believing it to be more important to help your father get through college. Financially, it was impossible for us to afford a college education for both of us, and it seemed more important that he receive a diploma. In some ways I regret leaving the workforce as it has severely limited my prospects for the future, but again, it was a decision that I made to take more responsibility for the house and the children, and to allow your father to concentrate on his career. I do feel that I was able to be a better mother and have been able to put great effort into raising you and your brother, so that regret is mitigated in that respect. On the occasion that Ryan or you show some appreciation for my efforts, I feel completely justified in that choice and dually rewarded.
I know that it is harder for you to show appreciation, and that it does not come as a natural response. I really do not want you to feel obligated in that way. I do not expect any help, financial or otherwise, from you or your brother, and would not accept it if it were offered. I am certain that I will not be homeless or begging on a street corner, as your father is obligated by law and morality to see that my 30 years of service and sacrifice are compensated for. He has assured me that I will live a comfortable life and that my health expenses are covered. He is an honorable man. I am grateful that I was married to someone who honors his responsibilities. He has also taking [sic] responsibility to provide a college education for both you and your brother, so that neither of you will have to struggle and sacrifice as we did.
If you choose to, you will emerge from college with a master’s degree of your choice, debt free, to pursue any career in life that you wish. When I think of what I would like to do for the future, I think I would like to get my college 76 degree first. I just thought of that tonight, as a direct result of my conversation with you. I think it would be possible as I dropped out only a year shy of my degree, and it seems as I might be spending quite a bit of time on campus waiting for you to take classes, so why not take advantage of that?! I suppose I could take classes at the same time you are taking classes.
I agree with you when you say that I should try to think positively of the future and what I want to do today. There is nothing that I can do about my diagnosis, and I do try to be as healthy as I can, despite the prognosis. I am sure that you noticed that I exercise regularly and do my best to stay in good shape. It’s not like I have the attitude that since I will be crippled anyway I may as well give up and get fat and sedentary now. I am working hard to stay as healthy as I can, for as long as I can.
At some point, I might like to start a business. I sometimes toy with the idea of an internet business like my friend, [L], owns. (Did I punctuate that last sentence correctly?) Her website is [xxx]. You should have a look at it sometime and let me know what you think of it.
Anyway, I would like you to know that no matter what, I am very proud of the person you are. I have no preconceived notion of how you should react or respond. I know that you tend to be more reserved and less emotional and I do not perceive that as condescending malignant, or callous. You are pragmatic and stoical. These are fine attributes. I am glad to know that you are glad to be born and appreciate being taken care of. I love you very much and am more than happy to take care of you in any way I can. I suppose I have felt that you didn’t even notice how hard I try to make things as tolerable as possible for you and that has made me feel sad in a way. I am much happier now, knowing that you do not despise me for bringing you into this world. Above all, I want you to be happy, no matter what you choose to do.
You may not think I notice, but my computer is working faster and I have been able to download bank statements faster and search the websites quicker. I was able to get baseball scores for all the games in a split second, and watch a video clip that a friend sent without any freezing. I didn’t know that you had worked on it, so I thank you for your efforts. You should let me know when you do thoughtful things so that you can get credit! As an aside, I am having a problem that has been ongoing for months. The cursor abruptly moves to a different place in text now and again when I am in the middle of typing a sentence. It is very strange and annoying. Maybe you can have a look at it sometime? Thank you for taking the time to send me this e-mail. I now understand your motive and meaning, and I truly appreciate it!