Thursday, June 7, 2018

Robert Ussery and Jodie Mann: Numerous new cases and charges filed

The two conspiracy theorists who tormented numerous victims of mass shootings and especially targeted victim of the Sandy Hook and Sutherland Springs shootings have numerous new state and federal  Robert Ussery aka Side Thorn has a new Federal case.

These cases are in addition to the federal charges filed 5/22/18 against Ussery for Felon in Possession of a firearm.  Ussery has been in custody since 5/22/18, held without Bail.  A search warrant served on his home revealed he was in possession of numerous other firearms including a .50 cal Rifle, according to prosecutors.  This is frightening considering the number of people Ussery has threatened to kill, including this writer!

The New cases are as follows:

Robert Ussery - Federal case  #5:2018CR00390 filed 6/6/18
At this time, the system is not allowing access to the new charges.  Considering Mann's new charges, it is obvious he faces new charges related to the possession of a firearm.

Robert Ussery - Wilson County - Arraigned 6/5/18
Resisting Arrest, Possession of Marijuana, Criminal Trespass, Terroristic Threat Causing Fear of Immenent (sic) Serious Bodily Injury

Jodie Mann Federal Charges - Case 5:2018MJ00734 and 5:2018CR00390. Both cases are knowingly aiding and abetting a felon in possession of a firearm.
The USA is asking that Jodie Mann be held without bond and a hearing is set for 6/8/18.

She is a facing 10 years and  $250,000 fine in each case.

Jodie Mann - Wilson County - Arraigned 6/5/18
 Criminal Trespass and Resisting Arrest

More to come as details develop.

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