As Wolfgang Halbig continues to threaten everyone within earshot with lawsuits, it appears his official channel has been again slapped with a copyright strike.
This means Wolfgang Halbig's official channel is likely teetering on a LIFE TIME ban from the worlds largest video host service.
This type of activity is nothing new for the Sandy Hook Justice website; if you recall, I reported their previous copyright strikes here:
In that case, the owner of the intellectual property fumed:
"I am getting f-ing sick and tired of people stealing my work. Why is it necessary for them to download it and put their name on it when all they have to do is share this one if they want to get out the information??" --Mert Melfa
Thomas Lapp, Halbig's associate, became unhinged fuming back at the property owner:
Apparently, Lapp believes that since it's "Wolfgang", the channel has an innate right other peoples stuff.
Moreover, it appears Wolfgang's Channel did not learn the lesson from the strike since the channel is again accused uploading videos containing the intellectual property of other companies.
About one month has passed since Halbig promised his lawsuit; it appears the only thing he has produced is the possibility of getting sued himself... or worse, carried away by federal marshals in a black SUV for violating very serious federal laws.
If anything happens to Wolfgang a lot of us are going to know why? We are behind him all the sway we want to know the truth. Its :-) out there and we want to know, You can't fool all the people, Know that he has hundreds of backers if not thousands. Lying has never benefitted anyone yet and it has done immeasurable damage to Connecticuttand to the federal government.
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