Friday, December 16, 2016

Appeals filed in Wolfgang Halbig Freedom of Information Dash Cam Case

Both parties have filed an appeal of the Freedom of Information Commission ruling in Wolfgang Halbig versus Connecticut State Police.

Halbig was requesting seized Newtown Police Sandy Hook dash cams. The Commission found partially in his favor, ordering those released.  Halbig is seeking four dash cams; two of which he already received in a timely fashion from Newtown Police (Seabrook and Sinko).

Halbig was also requesting Newtown Police Officer Sandy Hook statements. The final report only released summaries of these statements because the  State Police maintain the position that these are exempt from disclosure based on the fact they  are "witness statements".

The appeal by the Connecticut State Police, filed 12-14-16, asks for a stay on the order to release the dash cams and a ruling overturning the order to release the Dash Cams.

The appeal by Wolfgang Halbig, filed 12-12-14. asks for a ruling ordering the State Police to release the Newtown Police Officer statements.

Kay Wilson stays on board
It is note worthy that L. Kay Wilson is still representing Wolfgang even though Wolfgang has been degrading and disparaging her lately; in one recent interview saying "she's compromised" and that he "did not trust her".   I suspect that Wolfgang must be paying very well since Kay Wilson continues to represent Halbig, even though he humiliates her publicly.

No hearings are scheduled in either appeal; however, a Order to Show Cause has been requested by the State Police regarding the stay.

Denied Denied Denied - No children's school records for you.
Wolfgang Halbig was recently denied access to little children's school records in a ruling by the FOIA Commission. The Commission found that Halbig's request was not even worthy of hearing.

Wolfgang Halbig was seeking school records such as children's identities and permission slips.  Connecticut FOIA law simply does not provide for the release of children's school records, as noted by in May 2015.   Obviously, a shining example of why children's school records are not subject to FOIA would be too keep children's information out of the hands of hoaxers and other sordid predators.


Anonymous said...

Just more "nothing" for Lumpy Failbig. If he were a professional baseball player, his average would in the .010's and he would re-designated to spittoon replacer.

Unknown said...

not a replacer but the item itself!