Monday, June 29, 2015

Connecticut State Police appeals Altimari Sandy Hook Document Decision

The State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (Connecticut State Police)/(CSP) has appealed the Connecticut Freedom of Information (FOIC) ruling that the State Police must release to the public the Sandy Hook shooter's documents.

Back ground references are below.

In short, several of the shooters documents were seized by CSP in the investigation subsequent to the December 14, 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. These documents were not released with the final report.

The Big Book of Granny is one of the contested items.

The Courant and Sandy Hook Facts filed FOI request to obtain those documents and both were denied. The Courant appealed.

When the CSP denied Sandy Hook Facts' FOI request, the basis of the denial was that "items of personal property seized from a private residence in connection with an investigation into criminal activity are not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information act".

The Commission ruled in favor of Dave Altimari and the Courant ruling the items were public interest and should be released.

On June 26, 2015 the CSP filed a 31 Page Administrative Appeal.

The appeal again contends that the items seized are not subject to FOI, the argument the CSP made during the hearing. In fact, the CSP had attempted a motion o bifurcate the hearing to first determine of seized items were subject to FOI.  The motion to bifurcate was denied.

The CSP Contends that the FOIC rulings were:
1. In violation of constitutional statutory provisions.
2. In excess of the statutory authority of the agency.
3. made upon unlawful procedure.
4. affected by error of law.
e. erroneous in view of the record.
f. arbitrary and capricious or characterized by abuse of discretion.


Sandy Hook Facts is directly affected by this court case as the CSP has also denied our right to access these documents.

It is clear that the Sandy Hook shooting is indeed a matter of significant public interest.  Nationwide, laws and policies are written based on this incident.  The incident remains in the newss daily.

We must ask:
But for a case like Sandy Hook, why is there Freedom of Information at all?

The shooter's information is essential information and information that has been denied the public at large. This information includes photos of the shooter holding a gun to his head and the shooter in "dress rehearsal" clothing, writing, videos of the shooters activities including DDR, and many other articles that the public has a right to view.

This shooter is entitled to no public protection. Indeed, he should be hung from a hook in town square for the public to view. In fact, such open disclosure would do well to send many of the "on the fence" hoaxers on to other subjects.

It is clear that the public interest out weighs the states interest to keep theses matters from the public and we offer our full fledged total support to David Altimari and the Courant. 

Reference Links:

(Hosted on PDF Archive)

FOI Case - Superior Court New Britain
Petition - Appeal Administrative Ruling

Motion to Stay FOI Ruling

Order to Show Cause

Commission rules in Favor of Courant

FOI Hearing #1 - Jan. 6, 2015

FOI Hearing #2 - Feb 19, 2015

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wolfgang Halbig Responds to Sandy Hook Facts

Wolfgang Halbig went on a Aaron Wilson's pod cast to respond to Sandy Hook recent articles addressing the Florida Licensed Charity Sandy Hook Justice, the odd state financial filings, and the odd expenditures.  It also appears he is using his charity to persecute bloggers and their First Amendment by using charitable funds for a personal vindictive lawsuit.

Wolfgang responds to Sandy Hook Facts:

Original SandyHookFacts Articles:

Wolfgang's Lawsuit against bloggers (not the "U.S. Government") can be viewed here:

Florida's Business License Look-up

Aaron Wilson's Interview:

Lake County Blog "Wolfgang Becomes Unhinged"

Sign in Sign Debunked

Region 1 Director Debunked 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sandy Hook Dash Cam Time Stamps - Attorney L. Kay Wilson Debunked

*Another Sandy Hook Facts Exclusive*
Newtown Dash Cam Specs
with Technical Research by Michael Flagg

Sandy Hook Facts is pleased to reveal the technical specifications of the Dash Cams exclusively released to as part of our continuing investigation into the Sandy Hook Tragedy.

Background Information:

Wolfgang Halbig claimed the Dash Cams released by Newtown Police were "tampered with" claiming they did not contain time stamps.  Halbig subsequently made the false  claim on numerous radio and video appearance.

Sandy Hook Facts released the actual videos on May 22, 2015 proving that the videos did in fact contain the embedded time stamps; however, since the cameras use a Closed Captioning Technology, rendering them to Youtube showing the times stamps is a continuing challenge.

On May 23, 2015, Sandy Hook Tragedy: Focus on Facts published information on WatchGuard In- Car Video systems and discussed the embedded video close caption time stamp system. 
The new information proves that amazing research to have been 100% accurate.

Several Sandy Hook hoaxers published absurd videos with wild claims attempting to "Debunk" our Dash Cam videos; from claiming we faked it in studio with CGI to claiming they were faked with overlays, each failed miserably.

On June 2, 2015, before the FOi Commission, Wolfgang Halbig and his attorney L. Kay Wilson again attempted to claim the videos were "tampered with". By this date, there had been enough online discussion with Halbig's minions that both were very likely aware the video did in fact contain embedded closed captions.  Halbig and Wilson were likely putting on a show for their donors at the expense of honesty and integrity and their sworn oaths.

No Video Expert by L. Kay Wilson at FOI Hearing
It is notable that at the FOI Hearing Halbig and L. Kay Wilson did not call a video expert to support their claims the DVD's had been tampered with; all they brought were their wild-eyed hoaxer conspiracy theorist claims and a printed screenshot of's video.  From a legal point of view, this is laughable and inept evidence presentation.

 Why would Halbig and L. Kay Wilson not bring an expert if they truly believed the videos were tampered with?  Surely, that would have been remarkable testimony.  The answer seems obvious.  It is very likely Wilson and Halbig were intentionally misleading the Freedom of Information Commission fully aware, exactly as testified by Chief Michael Kehoe, that the videos contained embedded closed captions.    As an officer of the court, L. Kay Wilson should issue an apology to the FOI Commission for her TomFoolery.

Wolfgang Halbig Demonstrating the Closed Caption
Time Stamps on screenshots
while claiming they don't exist.

SandyHookFacts demonstrated exactly how to enable the closed captions on Dash Cam DVD's in this video, also published June 2.

Despite the thoroughness of the debunking and the fact that L Kay Wilson has not diligently obtained expert advise or presented any rational evidence as to the dash cams, as any reasonable attorney would do, Wilson continues to maintain the time stamps do not exist. Most recently L.  Kay Wilson spread her misinformation in an interview with conspiracy theorist fanatic Jim Fetzer.

The Straight Scoop - Setting Aside L. Kay Wilson's Hoaxer Misinformation needed the  technical information to the Dash Cams to complete the debunking of Halbig's and Wilson's absurd claims.  We needed the exact make and model of the Dash Cams in order to examine the technical specifications of the units.  The final nail in the coffin of Wilson and her wild claims came when we received the invoices of the Dash Cams in use on 12-14-12 via the Newtown Police Department. is pleased to announce the release of the technical specs of the Dash Cams along with the extensive research conducted by Michael Flagg into those units and published to his research page Sandy Hook Tragedy: Focus on Facts.

WatchGuard Video Systems

These are the WatchGuard Video invoices for the dash cam video equipment purchased by and in use by Newtown Police Department prior to 12-14-12.

Other similar invoices can be seen here.

Invoice STDINV0009012:
Invoice STDINV0012595:
Invoice STDINV0012706:

Invoice STDINV0008494 (8/4/2010) and invoice STDINV0009012 (9/14/2010) include DV-1C, Overhead Console, GPS, 3rd Generation. Invoice STDINV0012595 (6/30/2011) and invoice STDINV0012706 (7/8/2011) include DV-1D, Overhead Console, GPS, 4th Generation.

DV-1 is WatchGuard's direct-to-DVD in-car video system (the dash cam recording system Newtown Police Department uses). An overview of DV-1: (Archive:

A video about how DV-1 works:

The user manual for DV-1: (Archive:

From page 103, "Closed-Captioning Text – All of the DV-1's textual information (metadata)
such as time, date, officer name, etc."

Page 52 of the user manual further proves what I have said before: "All of the DV-1's textual information (metadata) is saved on the DVD in a format called the Closed-Captioning Layer." Also, "The advantages of using the Closed-Captioning Layer for displaying this information are:
Text display is crisp and readable
Text can be turned on or off during playback so the video image is not permanently obscured"

"The Fleet Manager Utility is a Windows XP/Vista-based application used to create configuration files that can be burned to a CD. This CD can then be loaded into the DV-1, and all the settings in the configuration file can be loaded into one or multiple vehicles. Settings include Department Name, Officer Names, Vehicle ID’s, Pre- and Post-Event Times, etc."

The getting started guide for Fleet Manager Utility: (Archive:

Settings from the Fleet Manager Utility, page 35, include: Record to DVD - Officer Name, Record to DVD - Patrol Vehicle ID, Record to DVD - Time and Date, Record to DVD - Brakes Status, and Record to DVD - Lights and Siren Status:

Playing VTS_01_1.VOB in VLC media player (disc 1 from Officer Seabrook's dash cam video), I see officer name: OFF. CHAPMAN (see note below), patrol vehicle ID: CAR 13, time and date: 09:40:09 for instance and 12/14/12, B for when brakes are on, L for when lights are on, and S for when siren is on:

Note: "09:36:06 This is Officer Seabrook, Newtown Police Department on a traffic stop in Newtown. He will hear the broadcast and respond. Notice that the dash cam is in the name of Officer Chapman which led to some confusion."

Screen shot from Security Academy of Connecticut

CFS 1200704559\Book 4\00079318.pdf also states: "During the recording of the video, Officer Seabrook was parked in the parking lot of the SHES, facing the northwest (front) side of the school, between the second and third row of cars from the front. The video is a forward facing view from the cruiser. During the play of the video, it displays the title of "Car 13 Off Chapman 098.""
clone this paste RAW Paste Data

Open Email that was sent to L. Kay Wilson; we'll update you if she is brave enough to respond.

Since you are continuing spread misinformation, I have obtained the technical specifications of the Dash Cams from the Newtown Police Department and WatchGuard, the manufacturers of the Dash Cams.
I have published an article about those specs and  your mininformation here:

Hopefully being around hoaxers has not removed all pretense of integrity that I suppose its possible you possess and you stop your hurtful lies.
Thank you
CW Wade

*UPDATE* Kay Wilson Responded!  Did she take the information and learn or did she act like the hoaxer she is?

Answer: In the face of overwheling evidence,   she still absurdly claims to have received DVD's with no time stamps and claims that is irrefutable truth!  Hoaxer style "irrefutable truths"!

Is there an honest bone in her body somewhere?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kay Wilson
Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:53 AM
Subject: Re: Dash Cam Technical SPecs
To: WadesVideo

I am not sure what "misinformation" you are referring to.  I have only asked questions, questions which should have answers.  It is not misinformation to report that we did not receive video with time/date stamps.  That is the irrefutable truth.  Why did we not receive what we requested?  By acting squirrely and deflecting, the Town's actions regarding our simple FOIA requests makes for suspicion.  Why not simply give us the information if there is nothing to hide?

L. Kay Wilson, Esq.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sandy Hook Justice - State Filings Reveal Unlicensed Operations and Odd Practices

Expenditure: "$5,000 - pay informants"
Just one of the oddities in Wolfgang Halbig's state application
Filed August 2014.

An investigation has been launched into Wolfgang Halbig's Sandy Hook Justice after it was learned that he was registered as an "Under $25,000" charity, despite claiming revenues in excess of $32,000 and learning that Sandy Hook Justice was raising funds for several months prior to licensing.

The original blog post is here:

Sandy Hook Facts can now reveal the information it has ascertained through a Freedom of Information Act request through the State of Florida.  First a word of praise.  Florida responded very quickly to this request. In fact, the only organizations we have had respond quicker than Florida was the Newtown Police Chief Kehoe and Town Attorney Monte Frank.

By way of background information, Wolfgang Halbig claimed Sandy Hook Justice was licensed to operate during an interview published July 11, 2014.

At the forty minute mark of the interview "Where did Wolfgang Go" Halbig stated:   "I had to go to the state of Florida to make sure we were licensed properly that way no one can ever say we were trying to scam somebody."

According to official state records, Halbig's statement was not true. Sandy Hook Justice did not have a license to solicit donations  as required by the State of Florida.  In fact they had no license at all, as far as we can ascertain.

On July 16, 2014, just a few days after that interview, and acting on a tip from a concerned citizen through the the State Attorney General's Office, Halbig was notified by Florida that Sandy Hook Justice was not in compliance with the law and warning him that if he did not respond and get in compliance, he would be subject to legal action.

While it appears GoFundMe continued operating in earnest collecting donations; Wolfgang Halbig did not respond  to the State's notice until he applied, marked as received August 13, 2014 by State Regulators.  Therefore, the earliest date for which Halbig could conceivably be considered licensed is August 13, 2014. This benefit of the doubt granted despite the fact that in reality, Halbig's first application was rejected for incompleteness.  This was corrected by Halbig and finally, on September 17, 2014, Florida granted the license. 

Financial Disclosure Oddities

Prior to this investigation, the only accounting of funds known to Sandy Hook Facts of Halbig's financial status was when he called his cult like followers "idiots" for daring question him. Therefore, this is the only document we have to compare with his official disclosures to the state.

These are Wolfgang Halbig's financial disclosures to the state of Florida as part of his eight page application packet (plus a page with his Banking information). The application appears to be written in Halbig's own handwriting:

The first thing one notices about Halbig's official declaration under penalty of perjury is that the numbers are very round. Simply listing  "$32,000 in alleged revenue", "$26,000" in alleged expenditures, and an alleged balance of "$6,000".  That is some very clean accounting, and Halbig is lucky his income and expenses added up so handily just in time for his application. One wonders if he  really could provide receipts that add up to those number for his followers, or as he calls them, his "idiots".

Halbig's itemized statement of expenses gets a little more odd:

Beginning from the top - the first item listed is $10,000 in legal fees.

Halbig's May disclosure to his members listed $9,000 in legal fees. A discrepancy  $1,000.

Halbig listed $1,200 under "Video Equipment Rental".
The comparable entry in Halbig's May 2014 disclosure lists "Film Crew $1,200".
There is obviously a difference between "crew", which implies people, and "rental" which implies equipment.
Then we note $3,500 "Film Production".     Halbig has not produced a film from this  $4,700 allegedly spent in donations for "Film Crew/Rental/Production" expenses, as far as Sandy Hook Facts has been able to determine.

$5,880 in travel expenses seems excessive considering Halbig only listed $4,916 in his May disclosure.  This is a discrepancy of $964.

Even the most hard core mesmerized Halbig cult member might question the next "other" expense - $5,000 to pay informants.

Sandy Hook Facts will not engage in speculation as to what that is supposed to mean; however, a part of all us can nod knowingly at such a ridiculous claim. No rational person here was born yesterday.

Finally, it is notable that the balances of expenditures from page 7 do not jive by the time Halbig gets to page 8; yet both pages show a balance of exactly $6,000. We could all be so lucky to have such round numbers work out no matter what expenses are listed.

While Halbig claims on page 7 to have expenditures of $26,000, by the time Halbig gets to page 8, those expenditures have beefed up to yet another $1,000 discrepancy, $27,055 in expenses.  Of course the balance at the bottom did not change.

Sandy Hook Facts is continuing the investigation to attempt to ascertain why Florida lists Sandy Hook Justice as a "Under $25K" charity when Halbig's own filings indicate revenue of $32,000 (in August and alternatively $32,007 in October).

Continuing on, if we add up the "weird stuff" from the above expenditures  comparing to the May 2014 disclosures, we come up with the following numbers:

$1,000 legal fee discrepancy
$4,700 in film crew fees for a non-existent film
$964 travel expense discrepancy
$5,000 in "paid informants" (lol)
$1,055 random discrepancy in balance from page 7 to page 8
$12,719 Total weirdness, or a weirdness ratio of 40% of Halbig's alleged income of  $32,000. It is not sure if Halbig "Total Revenue" includes checks, Paypal, and cash he receives or if it is only GoFundMe. It's possible the numbers outside of GoFundMe are set aside as "skim"; no full accounting of Halbig's income has ever been provided.  This investigation continues as well.

I hear Hillary Clinton is looking to hire a campaign finance manager and I think I know just the guy with the right "accounting talent".

Weird accounting aside, the fact remains that state documents show that Halbig was operating Sandy Hook Justice and soliciting donations without state mandated licensing during periods Halbig is alleging in his personal libel lawsuit and despite a interview where he claimed he had obtained license. That interview clearly indicates Halbig was aware he needed to be licensed and willfully choose not to.  That libel lawsuit has nothing to do with Sandy Hook and instead persecutes small bloggers that disagree with Halbig and the intent is to intimidate bloggers and Youtubers from their Free Speech rights.  Because Halbig raised funds without the required license, Halbig's hands will likely be considered "Unclean" by the courts; thus this information has been passed to attorney's for review.  That investigation and review by attorney's and investigators could be very expensive for Mr. Halbig, in the event he chooses to pursue the action. 



$5,000 in paid informants, huh? That makes me laugh out loud at you hoaxers.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wolfgang Halbig's Sandy Hook Justice - New Investigation Launched

Wolfgang Halbig's Sandy Hook Justice
is a Registered 
Charitable Organization that certified on
September 17, 2014 as "Under $25K" in Revenue!

Original In-Depth Article:

Sandy Hook Facts has learned that Wolfgang Halbig claimed to be a "registered charitable organization" in court filings.  This information was verified; Halbig's Sandy Hook Justice is verified as a registered Florida Charitable Organization:

Florida has very specific laws governing charities; however, where the charity is small  (Under $25,000) , the restrictions differ.  Further, false claims in the filing would be a crime.

The application describes the law.

That application is of course public record.  Please note the certifications on Page 4. It appears and logic dictates Wolfgang Halbig must have certified the company was "has less than $25,000 in total revenue" to get the status of  "Active, less than $25K".

Sandy Hook is very concerned because Wolfgang Halbig appears to be using the donations he solicits to sue independent bloggers and video makers simply for exercising their right to free speech. In fact, Sandy Hook Facts believes Wolfgang Halbig is suing these bloggers to silence them. These lawsuits are in fact having the desired chilling effect; many of the blogs and websites he is suing have closed down; wilting under the legal attack.

Blogs sued that have closed down include Sandy Hook Defense Group, which if memory serves was a Word Press blog and, another blog.  These blogs were of course not affiliated with Sandy Hook; however, generally speaking, Sandy Hook Facts is concerned with Free Speech rights of all fellow bloggers on guiding principles that include a love for free speech and America.

Halbig has not named a single Government Agency or person involved with Sandy Hook shooting or the subsequent investigation(s).  Halbig is simply suing small time bloggers who have opinions he does not like.

Sandy Hook Facts is further concerned because Halbig's "charitable organization" license was issued by Florida in September 17, 2014.  Considering Halbig has been raising funds for several months before that, Halbig's funds may have been raised illegally.

Is Sandy Hook Justice in compliance with the Law?

When individuals use their charitable organization to sue Americans to chill  free speech, the first concern must be whether or not the charity complies with the law generally and certainly whether the Charity was in compliance with the law during the alleged offenses.   After all, a person approaching a court with "Unclean Hands" should expect no relief.

Florida law is very clear. All charitable organizations must register with the Florida Department of Consumer Services PRIOR to soliciting donations.

Before soliciting contributions, a charitable organization or sponsor claiming to be exempt from the registration requirements of s. 496.405 under paragraph (1)(d) must :

Accordingly, failure to comply with Florida charitable organization laws could be a felony:

496.417 Criminal penalties.Except as otherwise provided in ss. 496.401-496.424, and in addition to any administrative or civil penalties, any person who willfully and knowingly violates ss.

It appears Wolfgang Halbig's license indicates Wolfgang Halbig, through Sandy Hook Justice should not have started fundraising until September 17, 2014.

Sandy Hook Justice itself was registered as a business on March 10, 2014 - Registration #G14000024929.  Sandy Hook Justice never offered a product for sale and, as far as we have been able to ascertain, operated for the sole purpose of soliciting funds.

Long time watchers of Wolfgang Halbig and his Sandy Hook Justice organization are well aware he had begun actively soliciting funds prior to September 17, 2014.

Current research indicates that the earliest date he referenced Sandy Hook Justice on a major internationally broadcast Television or video program and asked people to go to his Facebook page and donate was February 19, 2014 at about minute 41 of this show:

"Through our attorneys [asking]- that a body of the child be exhumed as bad as it may sound"
Charitable Funds Solicitation
 April 12, 2014 
prior to licensing in September 2014.

Another example includes Wolfgang through Sandy Hook Justice, soliciting funds in the April 12, 2014. Here, Wolfgang hoped to solicit enough donations through GoFundMe and Paypal to hire a legal team to compel the exhuming of a child victim of the Sandy Hook school shooting.

This screen shot shows his Donation button in place on March 10, 2014; clearly indicating he was soliciting and accepting donations prior to his September 14, 2014 date, in fact from the very moment he registered his fictitious business name. "DONATE".

This screen shot from May, 2014 shows that Wolfgang Halbig had raised $15,720 through GoFundMe alone.  This number would not include cash and PayPal donations. 

Then, there is this screen shot from September 7, 2014, ten days prior to the issuance of his license.  Sandy Hook Justice had already pocketed $27,005 via GoFundMe alone.  Halbig therefore should have reasonably known he was raising in excess of $25,000; he was already well past that amount. In fact, his posted Fund Raising goal at the time  was an astounding $250,000!

   His massive GoFundMe balance would not include cash and Paypal donations, which likely exceeds additional thousands of dollars:

Despite having already raised in excess of $27,000 prior to registering as a charitable organization and having a posted fund raising goal of $250,000, Wolfgang's Sandy Hook Justice was registered as a "Small Charity" under $25,000:

Charitable OrganizationCH4185509/17/1409/17/15Active, less than 25K

Wolfgang Halbig has filed, under penalty of perjury, in court documents, that his GoFundMe campaign began March 14, 2014 and through October 9, 2014 had raised $31,202.  Therefore by this date Wolfgang Halbig, by his own court filings declared he raised over $25,000, exceeding his Florida license amount and admitting to raising funds prior to his legal license date.

The Question Is

Has Wolfgang Halbig and Sandy Hook Justice violated the law by raising funds in excess of their limit of $25,000 and doing so prior to the issuance of a license to operate as a fund raising charitable organization?  Has Wolfgang Halbig therefore committed felonies? Sandy Hook Facts cannot speculate but will continue to investigate.

Generally speaking, investigating official registered charitable organizations that want to raise money to exhume little murdered Sandy Hook children by making false claims is a passion of ours.

If Halbig has violated the law by raising more funds than he is allowed to raise and doing so before he was licensed, should a court now award him alleged "damages"?

No Donor Complained  

It is also notable that Halbig claims, in the above court filing, under penalty of perjury that no donors have complained.    This May 3, 2014 post by Wolfgang Halbig to his Sandy Hook Justice Facebook page seems to indicate otherwise.  The post clearly indicates people are complaining, and further goes on to call his members "idiots" for said complaints, showing his rage at being questioned as to the donations he received.

May 3 at 9:29am · Do not take this post down.
People are complaining about the donations so here is what has been spent.
It least we are doing something instead of just talking for the past year. How many more videos or chats are you going to have before you have the courage to confront those responsible?
I invited James Tracey and Sofia Smallstorm and Brendan Hunt but they all refused to come to Sandy Hook and Newtown.
Anybody can go to Sandy Hook and Newtown with there video camera but it is about having the guts to confront those who are responsible on what happened on Dec 14, 2012.
I appreciate Jim Fetzer going with me even though I cannot buy him a bullet proof vest as he requested. I just told him to stand behind me since I am fat enough to stop the bullets.
He agreed.
View more details about Spinella&Associates-ce 01
Law Firm - ce 01
$4,000.00 05/01/2014 Processed View Payment
$5,000.00 04/01/2014 Processed View Payment
Sandy Hook Justice -0564
$510.00 04/01/2014 Processed
Jim Fetzer Plane ticket $466.00
Wolfgang Halbig Plane ticket $343.00
Day Williams Plane Ticket $808.00
Rental Car $299.00
Hotel/ Marriot Courtyard 5 Rooms $1800.00
Film Crew $1200.00
Total $4916.00
$ 510.00
total $14,426.00
Does not include meals and gas for three days.
I have all the receipts you idiots.


The above is the only public accounting for funds to date of Sandy Hook Justice known to Sandy Hook Facts.

A Hoaxer Sandy Hook Justice supporter questioned Halbig during a broadcast interview here:  wondering why there had been no accounting for the funds and requesting financial disclosure of the monies.

Sandy Hook Facts will continue investigating Sandy Hook Justice. As  an official charitable organization, Sandy Hook Justice is subject to financial audits and public records requests and should be held to the highest levels of scrutiny.

Sandy Hook Facts will willingly and cheerfully cooperate with Florida Officials to ensure Sandy Hook Justice is in compliance with law and to aid them in any investigation by providing them facts, evidence, and testimony, as we know them. We hope to see Wolfgang Halbig arrested and imprisoned, if in fact he has violated Florida's law.

Setting aside the fact that Wolfgang Halbig falsely claims, among many other false claims, that the "Sandy Hook Shooting was an illusion" and "no children died", and people likely rely on these false claims when they donate money for Halbig's "Investigation", there are real concerns about the legitimacy of Halbig's fund raising itself.

Blatantly False Claims

While listing every false claim of Sandy Hook Hoaxers would be beyond the scope of this article, it is important to point out a few made by Wolfgang through his Registered Charitable Organization.

For example, in April 2014 Halbig claimed the below headstone belonged to the Sandy Hook shooter.

 The goal seems simple, instill fear and panic in the hearts of his weak minded followers by proving the shooter died December 13, 2012.  How could the shooter kill children if he was dead and buried?  This would indeed need an investigation and donations to Halbig. 

However, it was proven that the headstone was a simple fake created with an online "Tombstone generator"; wrong middle name included. Sandy Hook Facts released the Shooter's death certificate not only proving the shooter died on December 14, 2012, as indicated in the final report of the shooting, but proving he was subsequently cremated.

The grave stone was blatantly false information; as any reasonable and prudent investigation would have revealed.

More recently, Halbig, was caught spreading much more damaging blatant misinformation.

Halbig claimed Connecticut Region 1 EMS Director Robert Kenny was committing illegal acts because Halbig accused the EMS Director of handing out "drill packets, subway sandwiches, and bananas to be eaten by the dead bodies of children" and doing so while impersonating an armed Connecticut State Trooper.  Aside from the fact that Halbig's allegations are disgusting and accusing an innocent man of very serious crimes, they are also false.  It is unknown how much money Halbig raised when people relied on this false claim, but Sandy Hook Facts will try to find out through audits of Halbig's financials.  It is known Max Resistance, moderated by Sandy Hook Hoax Group, published an internationally  broadcast video because they were so excited of Halbig's new false claim.

This misinformation campaign can be watched here:

Robert Kenny

Halbig's evidence consisted of comparing Robert Kenny with screen shots from this Dash Cam Video:

The fact is Halbig was not telling the truth.  The Dash Cam video was of Connecticut State Trooper Sergeant Troy Anderson (below, right), as confirmed by Connecticut State Police PIO.  Again, the simplest, reasonable, and prudent investigation would have discovered the facts.

This type of misinformation as part of fund raising campaigns raises red flags, especially when the misinformation is being passed through a registered official Florida Charitable Organizations and people rely on these false statements and donate money.

Does Florida allow it's licensed charitable organizations to go around making false claims and accusing innocent people of crimes or publishing faked photos?

This is especially important considering Wolfgang ultimately uses these charitable  funds to chill the First Amendment by suing citizens investigating and debaring a matter of public interest; a lawsuit that that has nothing to do with the Sandy Hook shooting of December 14, 2012 or any investigation.

Note: If you have concerns or complaints about Sandy Hook Justice as a charitable organization, please submit them to Florida using this  form:

Additional Research Links into Wolfgang Halbig
and his Fund Raising  Claims and Statements

These are additional concerns considering Sandy Hook Justice is an officially recognized charity.

This archive link indicates Wolfgang began soliciting funds via Facebook in February 2014

Wolfgang lost his company because..
In court filings, Wolfgang claims bloggers caused him to lose his company and revenue; however, this post indicates otherwise:
Lost his job for asking questions

Contributions solicited March 9

December 2013 post :

Parents didn't donate organs:

Observed over 145 autopsies:
For this interview, he seen over 200 autopsies
Not bad for a trooper with about a year of experience.

Sandy Hook Kids Alive -

Over $10,000 raised in three days:

Changed fundraising goal to $250,000  (Posted June 2014 prior to licensing)
was at $25,000 by this date.

Newtown Police Officer Sergeant Kullgren was lead controller in Sandy Hook FEMA Illusion

Drugs are the best way to put me in Jail:

Masons Control Sandy Hook:

Great news $500,000 Reward
$500,000 Reward:
No $500,000 reward:

"My pictures" from Columbine:

False claims about Newtown LT shoving a little girl inside SH:

Must raise funds by June 8

Claims SWAT arrived within 15min on 12-14-15 - false statement

Posts on people complaining about donations included:

Wolfgang Claims taught 8,000 school districts:  (there are only 13,588 school districts in the USA  )

This 1995 News article is the first known account of someone publicly mentioning Wolfgang Halbig using the term fraud:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hoaxer Claim - EMS Region 1 Director On Dash Cam - Debunked

This week Wolfgang Halbig and Sandy Hook Hoax group have been using this photo as their latest fund raising gimmick:

Halbig's claim that this is a photo of Connecticut EMS Director Region 1 Director Robert Kenny. Wolfgang accuses Mr. Kenny of dressing up as a State Trooper. Since Mr. Kenny's position is non-sworn, unarmed, administrative position, this is accusing Mr. Kenny of very serious crimes.

Halbig's claim was made without a shred of evidence or investigation; based on similarity of this photo from  the state EMS website.

Robert Kenny

 Wolfgang further adds to the narrative, stating that Mr. Kenny is handing out "Evaluation Packets" at a drill and accuses him of delivering sandwiches and bananas to be eaten near the bodies of dead children in the Sandy Hook Elementary school; in addition to other disgusting claims. 

You may hear these absurd claims broadcast during his public appearance here:

This type of hoaxer misinformation is meant to instill fear in the "doom and gloom" conspiracy theorist followers. This causes the weak minded paranoid people to donate funds to Wolfgang Halbig because he uses these gimmicks as part of his money pitches on internationally broadcast public appearances.  After all, to a hoaxer, is there someone more scary than a Connecticut EMS Director?

Opposite of the hoaxers; rather than using photos and invented FALSE narratives to raise funds, SandyHookFacts conducted a simple, free, email public information request through the Connecticut State Police PIO office and the State Police timely responded.  As part of the request, we sent them a screen shot from the Dash Cam and asked for the Trooper's name, rank, and troop assignment.  Thus, with a few moments of actual research, Sandy Hook Facts ascertained the identity of the trooper in the dash cam

From CSP CIO Office:
Sir, the trooper in the photo is Sgt. Troy Anderson and he works out of State Police Headquarters in Middletown, CT.
Thank you,
Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection

Since Wolfgang Halbig claims to be a former Florida State Trooper including homicide investigator, Federal Customs Agent, and an investigator of school shootings including Columbine, one must impute to him a level of diligence appropriate to that experience.  One cannot chalk it up to simple "error", such as one could do for wild eyed psychologically ill convicts making Youtube videos worried about Jade Helm and Walmart boogeymen.

 Halbig's experience enables him to make tens of thousands of dollars making false claims; therefore, one must hold Halbig accountable for his statements.  Halbig's decades of experience means he is aware of how to at least do a cursory investigation before accusing people of very serious felonies.  

Therefore, one must conclude Halbig is passing along intentional misinformation as part of his whirlwind fund raising tour.  His comments mislead.  It is unknown how much money Wolfgang has made making off of these misleading claims as thus far he has not made that information public.

Sgt. Troy Anderson (right) at the CSP Ceremony honoring the
Sandy Hook responders.

The unfortunate part is that Wolfgang Halbig has turned the focus of his false claim fund raising from going after Connecticut  Agencies to persecuting independent bloggers and youtubers and doing so to intimidate them and to destroy their First Amendment right to free speech.   

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hoaxer Misinformation and Fundraising at a Feverish Pace

There are two prongs to the latest campaign of ongoing misinformation related to Wolfgang's  fundraising.

As reported, German born Wolfgang Halbig is raising funds for his lawsuit where he is attempting to chill the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and of United States citizens by using our courts to silence bloggers who would dare speak out against the Sandy Hook Hoax sham.  The fund raising is done using misinformation.

This news report clearly shows that "Check In" Corner on 12-14-12
The first prong of the misinformation is reviving the long ago debunked myth that the "Everyone Must Check in" sign was in place on 12-14-12.  Despite the fact that this has been long ago debunked, the Hoaxer sheep accept this contention without question. That is being addressed in a future video, as it was addressed by Sandy Hook Facts in April, 2014.

Robert Kenny
CT EMS Region 1 Coordinator
The next disinformation campaign involves an even more absurd notion and the accusations of crime.

In an interview on Max Resistance on June 9, 2015, Wolfgang Halbig declared a Connecticut State Trooper Detective that appeared on CSP Dash Cam to be Connecticut Department of Emergency Services Region 1 Coordinator, Robert Kenny.

It should be noted that Mr. Kenny's position is an Administrative supervisory position within Connecticut's Emergency Management Department.  Sandy Hook Facts verified that Mr. Kenny's position is neither sworn nor are they armed.   In other words, it would be illegal for Robert Kenny to wear a gun in his official capacity and it would be illegal for him to impersonate a State Trooper, wear a badge, or represent himself as a peace officer, as alleged by hoaxers.  That baseless accusation of crime impugning this official by Halbig and tge hoax groups shocked even this long time watcher of Hoaxers.

 From Hoaxer's invented narrative and Halbig's accusations of crimes committed by Mr. Kenny to reality:

 The State Trooper in the Dash Cam is clearly wearing a State Police jacket, a "Raid Vest" (bullet proof vest), a badge, and a gun and is obviously a sworn peace officer.

So how do the hoaxers get around the fact this is obviously a State Police trooper?

Wolfgang Halbig, during that internationally broadcast interview stated  Mr. Kenny was "dressed up as a trooper".

And what evidence have Halbig and the hoaxers presented that Mr. Kenny has committed the crime of impersonating a State Trooper?

None.  Merely an invented narrative; fabricated from whole cloth.  Much like the "Check-In Sign"; all they need is a photo and they can invent any narrative they want to fit their agenda and compliment their fund raising shows.

  It is clear the disconnect with reality by these hoaxers is growing wider by the day as they fill their accounts with hoaxer money.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Teaser – Everyone Must Check In Sign – Disclosed!

Teaser – Everyone Must Check In Sign – Disclosed
Sandy Hook is pleased to announce yet another World Wide Scoop!
Sandy Hook Facts was FIRST to mathematically prove the order in which the shooter attacked the Sandy Hook Elementary School, first to demonstrate how the attack was accomplished by that lone gun man in the time frame provided, first to release the Death Certificate for the shooter, first to provide a photo of the shooters home being demolished; FIRST to provide Seabrook and Sinko’s dash cams to the public, first to debunk Halbig and his claims that there are no times stamps on the videos, and first to announce the retirement of a gentleman whom we hold in very high regard, Chief Kehoe.
And now, Sandy Hook Facts, through diligent research has in fact located the agency personnel reasonable for and is preparing to provide proof of who placed the “Everyone Must Check In” and when it was placed; thanks to yet another successful Freedom of Information request.

Sandy Hook Facts remains committed to factual research of the Sandy Hook massacre. We are not distracted by Hoaxers and their lies and scams and rabbit holes. Currently the Hoaxers big lie is reviving the already debunked information that the “Everyone Must Check In Sign” Gene Rosen interview occurred 12-14. That is provably and demonstrably false, even by the date of the interview itself. That is simply a lie told by hoaxer leaders to raise money; i.e. FRAUD.

So who put the sign at Sandy Hook Elementary School and when?

Well that information is coming soon…

Debunked in April 2014

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wolfgang Halbig versus Newtown FOI Part 2- Full analysis

HALBIG's $20,000 in Legal Fees Closing Argument
asks for the DVDs and Consent Agenda, Again!
Epic Failure!

On June 3, 2015 the Freedom of Information Commission in Hartford, Connecticut conducted a continued hearing in the matter of Wolfgang Halbig versus Newtown, et al.  The hearing officer was again Commissioner Matthew Streeter and Wolfgang was represented by L. Kay Wilson, an attorney out of Glastonbury, CT.

The respondents were the Newtown Police Department, the First Selectman, the Town of Newtown and the Newtown Education departments; collectively referred to as  the "Town" and represented by Mr. Monte Frank, of Cohen and Wolf out of Danbury, CT

This hearing was a continued hearing from April 24, 2015 and a full analysis from that day is here:

The hearing was not recorded by Connecticut public access; however a quality recording of the hearing can be found here:

Mert Melfa Media
As was the case in the last hearing, Halbig's attorney Kay Wilson was stammering, ill -prepared, disorganized, and once again failed to offer any evidence that Newtown has withheld documents; however, we need not go point by point because this hearing afforded us the opportunity to hear closing arguments.

Closing arguments are where Counsel can provide their summary  of the case they feel they have presented.  Wilson also made her prayer for relief, asking for two documents.  In this case, the summary arguments were telling and were very much indicative of how SandyHookFacts believes the commission will rule.

Certainly, it's not likely the commission would rule and award more than Halbig/Wilson asked for in close; so as a worst case situation the Commission could order Newtown to give Halbig another DVD and the same consent agenda from Jan. 2013.   That would be fairly humorous.

A few notes on the hearing itself:

The most notable testimony came from Halbig's fired Attorney Paul Spinella, who was forced to admit he did not respond to the Town's objection concerning Halbig's request for emails.  Of course he wormed his way out of that question about ten times before he was finally pinned down and forced to admit his failure.    When Mr Fank asked him why Halbig fired him, Spinella claimed attorney client privilege; however, we all know and Mr. Frank pointed out Halbig already spilled the beans when he told the commission that he fired Spinella for not pursing the FOI requests in the first hearing.

It should be noted that requests, objections, and narrowing are very common legal practice in discovery process and some level of professional discussion would have been very normal if there was any level of competence at all coming from the hoaxers.

Dan Bidondi of InfoWars questioned Halbig during the break. Halbig, in an international broadcast, accused of threatening "his life"; a completely defamatory, false allegation.  Halbig accused Newtown PD of tampering with the DVD's; another false allegation for which he offered no evidence.   Halbig accursed Monte Frank of "releasing the pilot" when the pilot of Chopper 1 was away on Military Duty as was admitted by Kay Wilson.  Three utterly false allegations is one fifteen minute break.  Bidondi claims the pilot was release twice; a lie considering the pilot was never to appear at the first hearing.  It is hard to track how many lies were told by hoaxers in that 15 minute break.

SandyHookFacts did find it fascinating that First Selectman Pat Llodra stated Homeland Security may have been those that brought the infamous "Check In" sign to the Sandy Hook crime scene. This was new information and as such we are looking into this.  In fact, that alone was worth the $20,000 Halbig spent to utterly fail to demonstrate that Newtown didn't comply with a single FOI request.  Heck, we would have spent twice that amount of Hoaxer donations for that information.

 HALBIG - Kay Wilson's closing arguments:

Closing arguments highlighted the confusion and disorganization that Wilson demonstrated through the entire hearing as she had to stop several times to rustle through her mess searching for a thought.  One can only imagine what her home must look like.

Wilson's final arguments accused Newtown of delay, obfuscation, and gamesmanship.  If she thinks that's gamesmanship she should see her client pretending he wants the Super Bowl children's identity because he wants to see them honored by the school board.

Wilson brought up the fact that Halbig believes the town provided "irrelevant documents". The "irrelevent" documents she refers to were attached to the Consent Agenda and were meeting minutes from past meetings and as such were requested by Halbig.  Despite the fact the Commissioner himself tried to explain this to Wilson and Halbig in the first day of the hearing, Wilson decided to to bring it up anyway.   In any case, this fails to prove the town didn't respond.

Wilson brought up the school security system stating that they still didn't know if they got all the documents.  This was her admission she had no proof the town did not provide responsive documents.  Also she proved was she didn't know. That was the obvious.

Wilson brought up the Dash Cams.  Wilson tries to contend the DVDs did not contain Time Stamps. This is, of course, proven false by; moreover, she failed to offer any evidence at all that she received disks that did not contain the time stamps.  Wilson's foolhardiness was exposed here when played an exact copy of the disks received by Halbig and demonstrated one simply need turn on Closed Captions using Windows Media Player.

Wilson found it hard to believe that Newtown did not contract concerning the bio-hazard clean up at Sandy Hook Elementary School; however, she offered no proof that the Town did. Her proof was her "feeling".

As to the "Check-in" sign, she stated "We don't know if we received all the documents"; again setting the bar for her own personnel level of proof: "we don't know".

Her specific requests in close were for exactly TWO documents:
1) Dash cams with time stamps.  An absurd and laughable request. Halbig has them.
2) The consent agenda for January 23, 2013 - again they already received this document.

To me, this was a frivilous hearing if petitioner's, in close, could only ask for two documents that they admit they received but have certain irrational "beliefs" of which they offer zero evidence.

On the plus side, at least this time Kay Wilson did not attempt to introduce into actual real-people world-evidence "hoaxer produced/enhanced" *cough cough "evidence".  It would have been embarrassing to watch Wilson attempt to introduce something Tony's crew photoshopped up, again.

NEWTOWN- Monte's close

In contrast to Wilson's lack luster proffering, Monte Frank was a laser beam that sliced through Halbig's drivel.  In close, Mr. Frank went document by document, addressing every single request and the Town's response, line by line.  Halbig was crushed and his face showed the dejection as he fiddled with his tie.  Wilson looked like she swallowed the fly in her soup.

Mr. Frank pointed out that the delays were due to Halbig's failure to provide payment as per FOI regulations or failure to appear to inspect the documents as invited. Correspondence dates had been submitted as proof in addition to supporting testimony.

The Town proved they provided the documents to the security system by submitting documents and offering testimony of the Facilities manager.  Halbig failed to offer even a single piece of evidence that there was a "Brand new security system" installed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. SandyHookFact had debunked the hoaxers on this point long ago. 

The Town proved they provided the complete Consent Agenda by offering the exhibit and supporting testimony of the school superintendent.

The Town proved they provided the best copy of the available DVD's that they could with their equipment by offering testimony and pointing out that it is not the town's job to provide Halbig software or to purchase software to cater to Halbig[s ineptness].

The tri-annual inspection report- was provided, as submitted into evidence.  The other nonsense reports, lead paint, etc,  are not required and don't exist. Halbig made these up in his own head along with several invented departments.   The Town proved such by testimony of people with real experience.

It should be noted that Newtown has a very good website so a light amount of researcher could have help Wilson and Halbig instead of relying on Newtown to hold their hand.  The lead teacher issue, for instance, it readily available information; Halbig contends he's an expert; yet he can't figure that out?

Letter to parents - timely provided to Halbig.

Bio-Hazardous Waste Clean up- the Town proved they did not contract with these serves by offering the testimony of the First Selectman.  The same with Halbig's porta-potties.

Work Orders were provided when Halbig finally paid.

And the emails were provided as soon as the Town's objection was withdrawn after Kay Wilson narrowed the request to intelligible English addressing actual agencies that exist.

Since Halbig offered no proof of any document being illegally withheld, in fact, in close only asking for tow documents they already possessed, and Monte Frank offered overwhelming evidence of compliance; the Commission will have no choice but to rule in the Town's favor.