Wolfgang Halbig's Sandy Hook Justice
is a Registered Charitable Organization that certified on
September 17, 2014 as "Under $25K" in Revenue!
Original In-Depth Article:
Sandy Hook Facts has learned that Wolfgang Halbig claimed to be a "registered charitable organization" in court filings. This information was verified; Halbig's Sandy Hook Justice is verified as a registered Florida Charitable Organization:
Florida has very specific laws governing charities; however, where the charity is small (Under $25,000) , the restrictions differ. Further, false claims in the filing would be a crime.
The application describes the law.
That application is of course public record. Please note the certifications on Page 4. It appears and logic dictates Wolfgang Halbig must have certified the company was "has less than $25,000 in total revenue" to get the status of "Active, less than $25K".
Sandy Hook Facts.com is very concerned because Wolfgang Halbig appears to be using the donations he solicits to sue independent bloggers and video makers simply for exercising their right to free speech. In fact, Sandy Hook Facts believes Wolfgang Halbig is suing these bloggers to silence them. These lawsuits are in fact having the desired chilling effect; many of the blogs and websites he is suing have closed down; wilting under the legal attack.
Blogs sued that have closed down include Sandy Hook Defense Group, which if memory serves was a Word Press blog and WolfgangExposed.com, another blog. These blogs were of course not affiliated with Sandy Hook Facts.com; however, generally speaking, Sandy Hook Facts is concerned with Free Speech rights of all fellow bloggers on guiding principles that include a love for free speech and America.
Halbig has not named a single Government Agency or person involved with Sandy Hook shooting or the subsequent investigation(s). Halbig is simply suing small time bloggers who have opinions he does not like.
Sandy Hook Facts is further concerned because Halbig's "charitable organization" license was issued by Florida in September 17, 2014. Considering Halbig has been raising funds for several months before that, Halbig's funds may have been raised illegally.
Is Sandy Hook Justice in compliance with the Law?
When individuals use their charitable organization to sue Americans to chill free speech, the first concern must be whether or not the charity complies with the law generally and certainly whether the Charity was in compliance with the law during the alleged offenses. After all, a person approaching a court with "Unclean Hands" should expect no relief.
Florida law is very clear. All charitable organizations
must register with the Florida Department of Consumer Services
PRIOR to soliciting donations.
soliciting contributions, a charitable organization or sponsor claiming
to be exempt from the registration requirements of s. 496.405 under paragraph (1)(d) must :
Accordingly, failure to comply with Florida charitable organization laws could be a felony:
496.417 Criminal penalties.—Except as otherwise provided in ss. 496.401-496.424, and in addition to any administrative or civil penalties, any person who willfully and knowingly violates ss.
It appears Wolfgang Halbig's license indicates Wolfgang Halbig, through Sandy Hook Justice should not have started fundraising until
September 17, 2014.
Sandy Hook Justice itself was registered as a business on
March 10, 2014 - Registration #G14000024929. Sandy Hook Justice never offered a product for sale and, as far as we have been able to ascertain, operated for the sole purpose of soliciting funds.
Long time watchers of Wolfgang Halbig and his Sandy Hook Justice organization are well aware he had begun actively soliciting funds prior to September 17, 2014.
Current research indicates that the earliest date he referenced Sandy Hook Justice on a major internationally broadcast Television or video program and asked people to go to his Facebook page and donate was February 19, 2014 at about minute 41 of this show:
"Through our attorneys [asking]- that a body of the child be exhumed as bad as it may sound"
Charitable Funds Solicitation
April 12, 2014 prior to licensing in September 2014.
Another example includes Wolfgang through Sandy Hook Justice, soliciting funds in the April 12, 2014. Here, Wolfgang hoped to solicit enough donations through GoFundMe and Paypal to hire a legal team to compel the exhuming of a child victim of the Sandy Hook school shooting.
This Archive.org screen shot shows his Donation button in place on March 10, 2014; clearly indicating he was soliciting and accepting donations prior to his September 14, 2014 date, in fact from the very moment he registered his fictitious business name. "DONATE".
This screen shot from May, 2014 shows that Wolfgang Halbig had raised $15,720 through GoFundMe alone. This number would not include cash and PayPal donations.
Then, there is this screen shot from September 7, 2014, ten days prior to the issuance of his license. Sandy Hook Justice had already pocketed $27,005 via GoFundMe alone. Halbig therefore should have reasonably known he was raising in excess of $25,000; he was already well past that amount. In fact, his posted Fund Raising goal at the time was an astounding $250,000!
His massive GoFundMe balance would not include cash and Paypal donations, which likely exceeds additional thousands of dollars:
Despite having already raised in excess of $27,000 prior to registering as a charitable organization and having a posted fund raising goal of $250,000, Wolfgang's Sandy Hook Justice was registered as a "Small Charity" under $25,000:
Charitable Organization | CH41855 | 09/17/14 | 09/17/15 | Active, less than 25K |
Wolfgang Halbig has filed, under penalty of perjury, in court documents, that his GoFundMe campaign began
March 14, 2014 and through October 9, 2014 had raised $31,202. Therefore by this date Wolfgang Halbig, by his own court filings declared he raised over $25,000, exceeding his Florida license amount and admitting to raising funds prior to his legal license date.
The Question Is
Has Wolfgang Halbig and Sandy Hook Justice violated the law by raising funds in excess of their limit of $25,000 and doing so prior to the issuance of a license to operate as a fund raising charitable organization? Has Wolfgang Halbig therefore committed felonies? Sandy Hook Facts cannot speculate but will continue to investigate.
Generally speaking, investigating official registered charitable organizations that want to raise money to exhume little murdered Sandy Hook children by making false claims is a passion of ours.
If Halbig has violated the law by raising more funds than he is allowed to raise and doing so before he was licensed, should a court now award him alleged "damages"?
No Donor Complained
It is also notable that Halbig claims, in the above court filing, under penalty of perjury that no donors have complained. This May 3, 2014 post by Wolfgang Halbig to his Sandy Hook Justice Facebook page seems to indicate otherwise. The post clearly indicates people are complaining, and further goes on to call his members "idiots" for said complaints, showing his rage at being questioned as to the donations he received.
May 3 at 9:29am ·
www.sandyhookjustice.com Do not take this post down.
People are complaining about the donations so here is what has been spent.
It least we are doing something instead of just talking for the past
year. How many more videos or chats are you going to have before you
have the courage to confront those responsible?
I invited James Tracey and Sofia Smallstorm and Brendan Hunt but they all refused to come to Sandy Hook and Newtown.
Anybody can go to Sandy Hook and Newtown with there video camera but it
is about having the guts to confront those who are responsible on what
happened on Dec 14, 2012.
I appreciate Jim Fetzer going with me
even though I cannot buy him a bullet proof vest as he requested. I just
told him to stand behind me since I am fat enough to stop the bullets.
He agreed.
View more details about Spinella&Associates-ce 01
Law Firm - ce 01
$4,000.00 05/01/2014 Processed View Payment
$5,000.00 04/01/2014 Processed View Payment
Sandy Hook Justice -0564
$510.00 04/01/2014 Processed
Jim Fetzer Plane ticket $466.00
Wolfgang Halbig Plane ticket $343.00
Day Williams Plane Ticket $808.00
Rental Car $299.00
Hotel/ Marriot Courtyard 5 Rooms $1800.00
Film Crew $1200.00
Total $4916.00
$ 510.00
total $14,426.00
Does not include meals and gas for three days.
I have all the receipts you idiots.
The above is the only public accounting for funds to date of Sandy Hook Justice known to Sandy Hook Facts.
A Hoaxer Sandy Hook Justice supporter questioned Halbig during a broadcast interview here:
https://youtu.be/aE8YXFVMig8?t=13m3s wondering why there had been no accounting for the funds and requesting financial disclosure of the monies.
Sandy Hook Facts will continue investigating Sandy Hook Justice. As an official charitable organization, Sandy Hook Justice is subject to financial audits and public records requests and should be held to the highest levels of scrutiny.
Sandy Hook Facts will willingly and cheerfully cooperate with Florida Officials to ensure Sandy Hook Justice is in compliance with law and to aid them in any investigation by providing them facts, evidence, and testimony, as we know them. We hope to see Wolfgang Halbig arrested and imprisoned, if in fact he has violated Florida's law.
Setting aside the fact that Wolfgang Halbig falsely claims, among many other false claims, that the "Sandy Hook Shooting was an illusion" and "no children died", and people likely rely on these false claims when they donate money for Halbig's "Investigation", there are real concerns about the legitimacy of Halbig's fund raising itself.
Blatantly False Claims
While listing every false claim of Sandy Hook Hoaxers would be beyond the scope of this article, it is important to point out a few made by Wolfgang through his Registered Charitable Organization.
For example, in April 2014 Halbig claimed the below headstone belonged to the Sandy Hook shooter.
The goal seems simple, instill fear and panic in the hearts of his weak minded followers by proving the shooter died December 13, 2012. How could the shooter kill children if he was dead and buried? This would indeed need an investigation and donations to Halbig.
However, it was proven that the headstone was a simple fake created with an online "Tombstone generator"; wrong middle name included. Sandy Hook Facts released the Shooter's death certificate not only proving the shooter died on December 14, 2012, as indicated in the final report of the shooting, but proving he was subsequently cremated.
The grave stone was blatantly false information; as any reasonable and prudent investigation would have revealed.
More recently, Halbig, was caught spreading much more damaging blatant misinformation.
Halbig claimed Connecticut Region 1 EMS Director Robert Kenny was committing illegal acts because Halbig accused the EMS Director of handing out "drill packets, subway sandwiches, and bananas to be eaten by the dead bodies of children" and doing so while impersonating an armed Connecticut State Trooper. Aside from the fact that Halbig's allegations are disgusting and accusing an innocent man of very serious crimes, they are also false. It is unknown how much money Halbig raised when people relied on this false claim, but Sandy Hook Facts will try to find out through audits of Halbig's financials. It is known Max Resistance, moderated by Sandy Hook Hoax Group, published an internationally broadcast video because they were so excited of Halbig's new false claim.
This misinformation campaign can be watched here:
Robert Kenny |
Halbig's evidence consisted of comparing Robert Kenny with screen shots from this Dash Cam Video:
The fact is Halbig was not telling the truth. The Dash Cam video was of Connecticut State Trooper Sergeant Troy Anderson (below, right), as confirmed by Connecticut State Police PIO. Again, the simplest, reasonable, and prudent investigation would have discovered the facts.
This type of misinformation as part of fund raising campaigns raises red flags, especially when the misinformation is being passed through a registered official Florida Charitable Organizations and people rely on these false statements and donate money.
Does Florida allow it's licensed charitable organizations to go around making false claims and accusing innocent people of crimes or publishing faked photos?
This is especially important considering Wolfgang ultimately uses these charitable funds to chill the First Amendment by suing citizens investigating and debaring a matter of public interest; a lawsuit that that has nothing to do with the Sandy Hook shooting of December 14, 2012 or any investigation.