Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Wolfgang Halbig warns Chief he's moving to Newtown to find "26 innocent children"

Is Wolfgang Halbig moving to Newtown?

Sandy Hook Facts *Exclusive*

"What separates the Sandy Hook Hoaxer from any other type of conspiracy theorist is many have an obsession with stalking little children and families" - Sandy Hook Facts

According to Wolfgang Halbig affiliated Sandy Hook Hoax group, Wolfgang Halbig has emailed Newtown Police Chief, James Viadero stating he is moving to Newtown for "six months".

Wolfgang Halbig has warned the chief he's moving to Newtown to find "26 innocent children" he somehow believes are actually missing. 

For those that don't know, Wolfgang Halbig is the man Alex Jones. brings on as a Sandy Hook "expert"; despite the fact, as noted by the New Yorker, Wolfgang has been caught embellishing his career on many occassions; such as the disgusting claim to the NAACP that Halbig was Martin Luther King's driver.  

In the email Wolfgang Halbig is putting the Police Chief on notice that Halbig is MOVING to Newtown fto find the "26 innocent children" who sang at the Super Bowl in 2013.  

What Wolfgang Halbig intends to do with those children, once he finds them, was not clear in the email. The purported email is reprinted in it's entirety below. To this writer, the tone is bone chilling and sinister.

Wolfgang Halbig claims to be putting the finishing touches on a book.  The last book Halbig was affiliated with, co-written by James Fetzer, was so disgusting, it was boycotted and dropped by Amazon.com.  It's unknown if Fetzer is helping Halbig with this book or if Amazon.com will also drop the forthcoming book. Some how, I think Amazon would drop Halbig like a hot potato.

"Sandy Hook children alive at Super Bowl"
At the heart of Halbig's quest is the hoaxer belief the children who died at Sandy Hook sang at the Super Bowl a few months later (despite the obvious age and appearance differences). As a result of this ridiculous false claim, hoaxers stalk these children online and in real life constantly.  It's a real problem.

 Sandy Hook leaders instruct their followers to "dig, dig, dig" into the lives of these innocent families.

Wolfgang Targeting Newtown Children is not new

Wolfgang Halbig has had several "creepy" instances of threatening to find Newtown children.
For example, in this video Wolfgang Halbig threatened to find a certain Newtown resident and Avielle Richman (a deceased Sandy Hook victim). Wolfgang  has stated he believes the Newtown resident's daughter is the actor who played Avielle Richman.

In another instance, St Rose of Lima School security stated persons [with Wolfgang were] "filming children" at School. 

Wolfgang Halbig was subsequently banned by the Diocese of Bridgeport from going onto St. Rose of Lima Property.

Wolfgang Halbig has also reportedly been barred by the United Way in Danbury and Sandy Hook Fire Department due to his behavior at these places.

This could be a hoax

A word of caution - this could all be a hoax.  Wolfgang Halbig is known for using fundraising and headline grabbing gimmicks, and Wolfgang is always up for a good fundraising gimmick. This could all be to grab a few headlines.

Another issue, is Halbig's "friend", Jonathan Reich. Reich is in jail.  Wolgang raised about $100,000, in large part claiming he was going to use the money on the Jonathan Reich case "to expose Sandy Hook".  It is unclear if Halbig is doing anything with those donations, since New York court records still show Reich using a Public Defender; not to mention remanded for nearly a month facing extradition to Connecticut.  Would 

A few simple questions...

Will Wolfgang use donor money to move to Newtown instead of fulfilling his promise to use the Jonathan Reich case to "expose the Sandy Hook illusion"?

Is this a hoax?

Will Wolfgang seek out and find other people's little children, and what will he do with them when he finds them?

If Wolfgang does go, who will accompany him?  

"I want to shoot everyone" - Sandy Hook Hoaxer Marc Watson

Many hoaxers are completely unhinged, such as well known Sandy Hook Hoaxer and Wolfgang follower Marc Watson. Within the past few hours, Marc Watson threatened to go on a killing spree after watching a video of a Newtown child being comforted by her parents. Many others have threatened. For this reason, Wolfgang's followers that are very concerning.

Marc Watson has bragged about having a gun, despite Britain's alleged harsh gun laws.

Sandy Hook Hoax Group Member Marc Watson,of Luton, UK

Another threat received today:

Threats like that are a daily occurrence.

Wolfgang Denied Access to children's records

Connecticut FOIA recently denied Wolfgang Halbig access to Sandy Hook School child records.
Wolfgang was seeking identifying information of the little children who sang at the super bowl, such as their name and "permission slips".  Obviously, in Connecticut, (and everywhere else in America), children's school records are not subject to FOIA requests, for self-evidence reasons.  


  1. i wonder if the arrest of Johnathan Reich was due to luck, a snitch inside the hoaxer group (pissed of hoaxer trying to get back at him), or something else?

  2. I don't think so. It's been in the works awhile according to my sources. Personally, I think it has more to do with the articles on HartfordCommunityCuurt.com .. which seems to have packed up shop since the arrest...

  3. Halbig moving to Newtown? to stalk children? this is insanity. when is this guy going to be arrested for threatening the safety of the children in our community?
