Guest blog post. Original blog post is here:
By Keith Johnson
There may be one surefire way to stop the Sandy Hook
vultures and predators from stalking their prey: “Sue the living HELL
out of them!” At least that’s what one of the nation’s leading
authorities on Internet stalking recently suggested.
Meet Russell Stookey, a lawyer in Blairsville, Georgia who has zero tolerance for the frauds and liars that populate the World Wide Web.
In 2011, Mr. Stookey won a $404,000civil lawsuit
on behalf of Gene Cooley, a man whose life was nearly destroyed after a
woman, Sybil Denise Ballew, spread false rumors about him over the
‘The anonymous poster went on a
community website for Blairsville, where Cooley lived at the time, and
accused him of being a pedophile with a criminal record and a drug
addict,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. “None of
it was true.” Ballew wasn’t the only one taking part in the
defamation, as Mr. Stookey explained to this writer during a recent
interview: “We did the very first case in the United States where we
penetrated that veil of anonymity, found out who these people were by
their user names and IP addresses, and we took them to task individually
in civil court and won.”
Like the surviving Sandy Hook family members, Cooley lost
a loved at the hands of a deranged killer who then took his own life at
the scene of the crime.
“She was a wonderful girl,” Cooley said of his murdered fiancée, Paulette Harper, during a 2012 segment of ABC’s 20/20. “She had a beautiful heart, a beautiful soul.”
Though Cooley and Harper were getting ready to start a
new life together, those plans came to an abrupt end after the woman’s
ex-husband paid her an unannounced visit.
“Apparently she was taking a nap,” Cooley said. “Somehow
he got in, startled her, and must have pushed her down and then shot
her. He waited around for a little while, and then finally committed
Cooley’s anguish didn’t stop there. Though police never
pegged him as a suspect in the crime, the local community had their
doubts after rumors started circulating on an Internet forum called
According to an ABC News report,
“The thread included several users with mysterious names like ‘Bugs,’
‘Yuck’ and ‘Mouth’ that called Cooley a drug addict, a pervert who
should be kept away from children and even a possible accomplice in his
fiancée’s murder.”
Contrary to the gossip, Cooley was clean as a whistle
with no criminal record and no history of drug addiction or sexual
deviance. Still, Cooley was convicted in the court of public opinion. He
was ostracized by his future in-laws, lost his job and was essentially
run out of town. That’s when he decided to make the call to Russell
“He laid this tragic tale out,” Stookey told 20/20’s Chris Cuomo. “I couldn’t believe the story—it was incredible. And I said, I’ll try to do this case.”
Using subpoenas, Stookey was able to unmask the culprits
hiding behind their online identities. After obtaining the information,
Stookey—in at least some cases—went to the very forum where the comments
about Cooley were made and outed the individuals publicly by posting
their names, addresses and telephone numbers.
Unfortunately, a statute of limitations prevented Stookey
from bringing suit against some of the online stalkers so he
concentrated his efforts on Ballew.
During the proceedings, the court asked Ballew why she
posted such inflammatory things about Cooley. Interestingly enough,
Ballew pulled out the old “gut-feeling” card that so many Sandy Hook
conspiracy theorists draw to “prove” that grieving parents are actually
“crisis actors.”
“I watched him and I can tell a pervert,” she said.
“Every time a pretty girl walked by, he would look at them. I get a
feeling.” Needless to say, the jury didn’t buy it.
In recent days, Mr. Stookey has been following the
relentless cyber stalking of Sandy Hook parents and is sickened by what
he’s seen: “These families—after having lost their
children—have been
harassed and browbeaten and accused of heinous crimes, called liars and
hoaxers and actors and so forth…”
Much of the online activity against the parents generally
falls under either one of two common-law definitions of defamation, as
Mr. Stuckey explains: “Slander is oral and usually confined to very
specific things, such as to impugn non-chastity to a woman or to
attribute someone to a crime of moral turpitude—very specific things.
Libel is broader. It’s written or permanently affixed defamation that’s
passed on to a third party [someone other than whom the charge is made]
or published for the whole world to see. One of the ways to be found
guilty of the tort of libel defamation is to impugn the integrity of a
person or lower their reputation in the esteem of the public.”
Mr. Stookey went on to say that he is currently working a
defamation case that in many ways parallels the hysteria found within
the Sandy Hook hoax community. In this particular instance, an anonymous
poster used a social media website to accuse a local businessman of
paying off victims, judges and the District Attorney as a way of keeping
his son from doing time for a fatal traffic accident involving
“None of this was true, but the community was literally
fired up and wanted to hang somebody,” Mr. Stookey said. “This is a
perfect example of the kind of defamation we’re seeing, where a person’s
reputation is being lowered in the eyes of the public.”
When asked, in his professional opinion, what options
these parents had to defend themselves against this kind of abuse, Mr.
Stookey replied: “Get a ball-busting attorney and sue the living Hell
out of them! All of these parents need to join in a common cause
lawsuit…If these people want that done, they can hire me or—better
yet—they can hire a good attorney in their area and I will teach [them]
how to do that…I have given away a million dollars worth of legal
research in teaching lawyers how to prosecute one of these cases. All
they gotta do is spend about an hour on the telephone with me and let me
explain the technology and what they need for proof.”
For those who might doubt Stookey’s passion about hunting these psychos down, check out these quotes from various articles:
“We’re not trying to cut down on
anybody’s ability to speak freely. The type of speech we are trying to
curb is you cannot get out there and lie about someone and do character
assassination… We’ll find them, we’ll get them. Mean and dumb is a bad
combination. I will catch them and I will put them into bankruptcy.” ~ Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“They have no character. That means they have no guts. They
have no guts, no character. They lack courage, no balls at all.
(WHISPERED) Should I say balls? Anyway, I’m old school. If I’ve got
something to say, I’ll say it to your damn face. [GUFFAWS] That’s just
the way it is. You see these scars on my face? A lot of times, people
don’t like that. And they’ll punch you. But that’s their opportunity.
And that’s the way you do business in this life. You say it to their
face… Normally, you’re talking about bored housewives who are just
gossip-mongers, basically. But it is an epidemic. I have caught lawyers.
I caught a judge. I’ve caught doctors, a dentist, a state
representative. I found out in a heartbeat who these people were. I sued
them. And you ought to hear them scream and cry. Let me go. Let me out
of this. You did it.” ~ This American Life
Hey, don't dog on housewives! I found this article specifically because trying to find if or how the Sandy Hook families could sue these low-life people. They are not disrespecting the memories of the victims, they are smearing the good names of many involved including the deceased and their families. It is witch hunt, and it needs to stop! If the NRA is so concerned about the person(s) behind the guns and not the actual guns (symptoms they call them, they need to stand up condemn these people for their lies and defamation. If they want the non-gun toting people who want gun reform to take them seriously then it is their responsibility to PROVE IT! These people use gun reform as a reason the "supposed" false flag was issued. Does the NRA accept this? Do they accept that these people are representing their organization in such a callous and disgusting way? SOMEONE needs to teach these liars and reputation smearers a lesson! I wish all of the people involved would stand united and sue them ALL!!!! I volunteer to help with the legal team. However many hours it takes to donate would be my pleasure!
ReplyDeleteIf you are real and want to help you can visit They are the folks trying to take the legal fight to them. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI recently watched the show about what that man went through after his wife died, and how much worse it got because that dumbass, loud mouth bitch. Yuck, bugs.... seems to fit her personal and demeanor perfectly. To knowingly and intentionally smear a man publicly just to be heard.. that a sad, I'm hope her family wasn't affected to much by her talking shit and starting rumors. I saw her on the TV show and the way she portrays herself is laughable.... she seems to embody the classic cliche of dumbass, redneck , uneducated, stupid, backwoods, inbred, narcissistic, uptight, pretentious, bitch. Hope she gets what she puts out 10 times in return. To berate a man who just lost his wife is cruel and shallow. Shame on u yuck ,bugs etc....