My video: Wolfgang Halbig - A Fact Check answered many of them. The questions are text, so let's analyze the text.
These questions are from:
These questions are repeated by him, all over the internet. This is stated so that I cannot be accused of manipulating this man's own words. Remember, this is allegedly a teacher, a Vice-Principal, Principal, and a school consultant's own words. This is his language and grammar. This is the hoaxer leading the hoaxers into the legal and professional world. Here we go!
My responses in Navy Bold color
Sandy Hook Justice Puzzle – 16 simple
questions ever changing that MUST require an answer.
Please stay focused on the first 16
questions then we go to the next ten questions and then we go to the videos and
police reports.
OK! 16 Questions!
1. Who directed the New Haven FBI field offices
to classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting on Dec 14, 2012?
2. Why and for what reason would the FBI classify
the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting when they did not classify the
Columbine shooting which also was a Mass casualty shooting incident?
Any thinking person knows that the question regarding an FBI procedure is not addressed to Connecticut State Police (CSP). The FBI does not report to the Connecticut State Police. Who runs the FBI and tells them what to do? We can all speculate; however, none could fairly claim that the answer is "police officers in Connecticut".
Back on point, this question is basically a "who and why" of the same question and are answered together, thus:
The answer is Book 2 Document 182743.
CSP did a FOIA request to get the FBI report for themselves. The FBI, through Special Agent Kimberly Mertz, responded to the request on July 23, 2013. A notification from the FBI dated July 18, 2013 advised CSP that the FBI was releasing 109 pages of 173 pages of their report pursuant to FOIPA Title 5, US Code 552/552a.
The FBI included a notification that there are three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records that are excluded from FOIA as in USC 5 552(c) .
All 109 pages of the FBI report that the State Police received are INCLUDED in the report, downloaded as the above listed document. In other words, the FBI report is in fact, not entirely classified, and has already been released and may be freely downloaded and reviewed. Yes, it is heavily redacted; however, that is the FBI, not CSP.
64 pages are classified. How much does the FBI do in 64 pages? I would think... very little.
Moreover, that has nothing to do with Connecticut or the CSP, who were equally denied access to those 64 pages. Who in or above the FBI decided to classify the 64 pages? Who knows! But the question is not for Connecticut.
The fact is, the FBI had little to do with the investigation of Sandy Hook. This was a state run operation.
The Sandy Hook report FBI report is freely available.
64 pages are classified. How much does the FBI do in 64 pages? I would think... very little.
Moreover, that has nothing to do with Connecticut or the CSP, who were equally denied access to those 64 pages. Who in or above the FBI decided to classify the 64 pages? Who knows! But the question is not for Connecticut.
The fact is, the FBI had little to do with the investigation of Sandy Hook. This was a state run operation.
The Sandy Hook report FBI report is freely available.
3. Who on Dec 14, 2012 was the Incident Commander
as required by the Federal Emergency Management Administration in directing the
Mass Casualty Shooting Incident at the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
Major Brian Meraviglia, the Western District Commander, was the commander of the crime scene, once a command center was formally established.
This is according to Book 6 # 95772 Family Liaison report/assignments by Capt Dale Hourigan
4. Who and Why did they not request the Life Star
Helicopters knowing that children and school staff are seriously injured and
clinging to life?
Four wounded people were transported by ambulance. The premise of the question is incorrect because the report is clear, the rest were dead.
Halbig needs to clarify his question because there were no others "clinging to life". Who is he talking about here?
5. Who and Why did they not allow the Paramedics
and the EMT’S inside the Sandy Hook School to treat the seriously injured or
those children and school staff clinging to life?
Again, Halbig's premise is incorrect, because it is not true that Paramedics and EMT's were not allowed in the school.
3 of the most seriously wounded were treated by 2 paramedics and 4 EMTs, within the "first response" time frame.
- Unit: NEWTA2 Paramedic Robert Velleteri w/Marty Folan and John Burke ALS -female juvi ALS
- Unit: NEWTA3 - Paramedic Daniel Bradley w/Kenneth Lerman and Laurie Veillete
BLS to adult female (Hammond) and boy.
Inside the school in direct contact with the deceased were Two EMTs: Sgt William Cario and TFC Patrick Dragon; One Registered Nurse, William Blumenthal; and Paramedics: Director of Danbury EMT, Paramedic Matthew Cassevechia, and two tactical Paramedics, John Reed and Bernie Meehan.
6. Who declared all 18 children and six school
staff members legally dead within the first 8 minutes?
The premise is incorrect because no one declared all those people dead in the first 8 minutes.
While technically, that answer would suffice to answer Halbig's poorly worded question, for the sake of clarity, I will pretend he asked a relevant question concerning the legal/procedural aspects of the triage of the casualties.
The legal presumptions of death were made by Cassevechia, Reed, and Meehan, using the SMART Triage System protocols; performing four different assessments on each patient prioritizing them based on their apparent injuries.
Cassevechia maintained phone contact and operated as the senior medical person on scene. The paramedics triaged the casualties operating on the legal authority granted by Dr. Pat Broderick, Danbury Hospital.
See Book 6: 2113, 2358, 19275
7. Who was the Certified Environmental Bio-Hazard
Decontamination company contracted by the Newtown Public Schools to remove
45-65 gallons of blood, skull fragments, brain tissues, bodily fluids, blood
soaked carpets and any other decontaminated are a inside the Sandy Hook School?
Clean Harbors, Inc cleaned Sandy Hook as listed in Book 2 198991.
Aftermath Specialists did Yogananda. Book 2 198985
8. Why does an off duty Lt from the Newtown
Police Department refuse to leave his off duty work assignment at a
construction site on Dec 14, 2012 when hearing that shots have been fired at
the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
Again, Halbig's premise is incorrect. He was not "off -duty". Book 4 79290.
He was doing an "extra duty" assignment. The public record of this shows he received a written reprimand for failing to respond (Google). I would ask, how is this relevant? He was derelict, no matter what the answer is. Some people in any place of employment are derelict. He is one.
He was doing an "extra duty" assignment. The public record of this shows he received a written reprimand for failing to respond (Google). I would ask, how is this relevant? He was derelict, no matter what the answer is. Some people in any place of employment are derelict. He is one.
9. Who at the Newtown Public Schools notified all
of the parents in writing as required by CT law that had children attending the
Sandy Hook Elementary School as well as every school staff member every school
year of all the potential life threatening chemical hazards. The school had
high levels of lead paint throughout the entire school, Asbestos in the ceiling
time and floor tile, asbestos in the insulation and most of all the school had
very high levels of PCB?.
Allow me to educate Mr. Halbig and save him an embarrassing trip demanding answers from the school board.
The School Facility report for that time period is available and easily found with the magic called "Google", without the need for donations. The summary is posted here:
The notification to parents was made at least by handbook for the immediate proceeding year.
Page 28 has the required notice. The school appears compliant with the law in terms of safety, reports, and notifications. CT dot Gov website also has their specific requirements. My feeling is Halbig did not research this issue on his own.
Internet postings found by Google indicate that that was the Handbook linked to at the time of the shooting.
The notification to parents was made at least by handbook for the immediate proceeding year.
Page 28 has the required notice. The school appears compliant with the law in terms of safety, reports, and notifications. CT dot Gov website also has their specific requirements. My feeling is Halbig did not research this issue on his own.
Internet postings found by Google indicate that that was the Handbook linked to at the time of the shooting.
10. Who provided the urgent medical care to the
two children who were not transported to the Danbury Trauma Center until an
hour after the school was deemed safe for that 15-mile drive?
Answer repeated:
- Unit: NEWTA2 Paramedic Robert Velleteri w/Marty Folan and John Burke female juvi treated with ALS (Advanced Life Support).
- Unit: NEWTA3 - Paramedic Daniel Bradley w/Kenneth Lerman and Laurie Lerman
BLS to adult female (Hammond) and ALS to boy.
Book 2- 260162
I would suggest rewording the question.
I would suggest rewording the question.
11. Who treated those two children who had been
shot multiple times like three to 11 times since they did not allow the
paramedics and EMT’S inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
I suppose I could fairly answer this question with "Huh?" But since I can reasonably guess at what he is saying, I will give it a try, even though it is based on a faulty premise.
Inside the school, triaging the victims were:
- two EMTs: Sgt William Cario amd TFC Patrick Dragon
- one Registered Nurse: William Blumenthal
- three Paramedics: Director of Danbury EMS Paramedic Matthew Cassevechia, and two Tactical Paramedics, John Reed and Bernie Meehan.
All of their statements are in Book 6. My Guide to the Report can be used to find their reports.
12. Why did the parents of the two children who
died at the Danbury hospital not allow their children to donate their organs to
other children waiting for the gift of life?
This is a disgusting, irrelevant question to ask the parents of deceased children. Further, the answer is beyond the scope of any rational police investigation. What kind of question is this?
How do you know they were asked to donate organs? How do you know they didn't? How do you know if murder victims can donate organs before autopsy or how that plays into it? I won't waste my time on this question because it is completely lacking a rational foundation.
13. What happened to the 500 children and 60
school staff members from Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec 14, 2012?
While one can imagine an almost unlimited response to this question, to keep it focused on the immediate scene, the survivors were evacuated. The evacuation is documented in dozens of sworn statements in Books 4 and 6. Please read the report and ask a specific question that can be answered with specifics.
14. Who was the police officer calling into the
Newtown Police dispatcher stating in his words that he has multiple weapons, he
has a rifle and a shotgun and who has the rifle and the shotgun as the chain of
evidence should show that was found in classroom eight (8)?
Again, your premise is incorrect; you misstate the officers words here and in every embellished interview you give.
However, the report timeline documents that this officer's name was Officer Leonard Penna.
See Book 4 -184096
15. Why would a police officer by the name of Lt
Vangehle at 9:45:21 am on Dec 14, 2012 from the Newtown Police Department after
finding a kindergarten female child in the hallway make her go into room eight
(8) and leave her? Room eight is a gruesome crime scene with dead children and
school staff. Why?
See Venghele, Bahamonde, and Penna's statements. At the time of this incident, none of the officers had been in Room 8, they were unaware there are deceased in Room 8, and were training weapons in the direction of the girl and operating in Active Shooter formation and under those protocols.
Book 6 2060, 44171, and 258086
The interaction may be heard in Rick Thorne's 911 call.
See Venghele, Bahamonde, and Penna's statements. At the time of this incident, none of the officers had been in Room 8, they were unaware there are deceased in Room 8, and were training weapons in the direction of the girl and operating in Active Shooter formation and under those protocols.
Book 6 2060, 44171, and 258086
The interaction may be heard in Rick Thorne's 911 call.
16. Why would two CT State Troopers enter room
ten (10) at 9:55:31 am on Dec 14, 2012 which is a gruesome crime scene with
dead bodies of children and school staff and tell a kindergarten boy who they
find in the bathroom who’s name is redacted and tell them so it must be more
than one to stay and they will be both back when it is safe?
Again, your premise is flawed and your English poor. You failed to read the report.
The account of the FIRST GRADE Boy and Girl hiding in the restroom are documented by their rescuer, TFC Smith in Book 6 47345
He is documented as running out with the survivors in Davis' Dash Cam at 0957:18. This is listed in the timeline Book 4 184096 and the time line of Davis' Dash Cam Book 3 55705.
There was no delay in their rescue and they did not wait until the scene was "safe" to rescue them.
Again, your premise is flawed and your English poor. You failed to read the report.
The account of the FIRST GRADE Boy and Girl hiding in the restroom are documented by their rescuer, TFC Smith in Book 6 47345
He is documented as running out with the survivors in Davis' Dash Cam at 0957:18. This is listed in the timeline Book 4 184096 and the time line of Davis' Dash Cam Book 3 55705.
There was no delay in their rescue and they did not wait until the scene was "safe" to rescue them.
64 pages of a 109 page report is 60%. That's the majority of what they had to say. And you have stated that the 64 pages are the entire pages, not including what was redacted from the other 45 pages in piecemeal.
ReplyDeleteUltimately that wasn't the question asked though. If, as you say, the CSP asked for the involvement of the FBI why would they need to request the report through FOIA? Why wouldn't the FBI help them rather than hide from the requesting parties what their findings were?
But still not the question. The question was who asked them to "classify" the information.
It is highly unlikely that the CSP requested the FBI's help.
In evidence is the fact that at no time did the CSP officially state they did so.
It is traditionally considered unwanted interference from an outside source to ask an outside source to do your job. Do you seriously believe that the CSP threw up their hands in defeat at solving the crime?
Had anyone crossed statelines to commit the acts warranting Federal government to step in? For that matter, why didn't the Newtown Police handle it?
You can make conjecture about the intelligence of small town police, or of state police, or urban area police but that's insulting to those wearing the badges.
You need to reread your facts because you don't know what you are talking about. 109 pages WERE released.
ReplyDeleteYou are equally clueless in the rest of your drivel.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused about the answer to question #15. Why would the police send a child into a room that they had not cleared. It seems as though one of them would have broke formation and stayed with the child. I'm sure there would be a lot of chaos and confusion going on but that makes no sense to me.
ReplyDeleteSo explain Adam Lanza's death certificate showing December 13, 2012 when the Sandy Hook Massacre was on December 14, 2012?
ReplyDeleteI own and have published a certified copy of Animal's original death certificate and it shows the 14th. What "death certificate" are you talking about? Let me guess, you fell for some BS hoaxer claim, right?
ReplyDeleteQuestion #4:
ReplyDeleteWho and Why did they not request the Life Star Helicopters knowing that children and school staff are seriously injured and clinging to life?
Your response:
Four wounded people were transported by ambulance. The premise of the question is incorrect because the report is clear, the rest were dead.
Halbig needs to clarify his question because there were no others "clinging to life". Who is he talking about here?
My Question/comment:
The final report may have been that everybody was dead but early on, this could not have been known.
During the first few minutes of a massacre of this magnitude being reported, information about the status and number of victims would likely be fluid. Agreed? At that time, any reasonable person or first responder would assume that some occupants of the school could be seriously injured and clinging to life among the dead.
How did the police know so early on that all of the victims were dead and accounted for? There could have been other victims that were not yet discovered. This doesn't make any sense! Is it not possible that some of the presumed dead children were still alive? The victims were children! Don't we always go above and beyond when children have been hurt? You would think they would send the entire fleet of choppers just because children were involved! My goodness, doctors performed CPR on John Kennedy for the better part of an hour in that hospital in Dallas after his head was blown off!
Would it not have been be prudent to have at least one lifestar helicopter en route to a crime scene where it had been reported that over 20 small children had been shot.
Perhaps the perpetrators of the shooting hoax felt that involving one of Connecticut's invaluable medical helicopters for a staged event and endangering the lives of REAL trauma patients would be going too far?
In answer Henry Richard;
ReplyDeleteWhile I am not going to parse through your long winded diatribe, I will take this opportunity to discuss real MCI response.
Wolfgang is obviously not aware of current First Responder SMART triage system; which is why you are not aware of it. You will need to do real study to understand real Mass Casualty First Response - you can start with my blog post here -
That will help you under stand the realities of "presumption of death" those officers, EMT's, and Paramedics faced that day.
A link to the blog post can be found there.
Hope that helps!
Lanzas mom was an alcoholic who would call and visit me in Conway. I did not talk to her on her last visit but in prior times I advised her to remove the weapons from her home because of Adam's summer 2012 statements. Adam was NOT on any psych meds according to her but he had strange feelings for children. He was very articulate and not a mute. She was in a fog about any danger signals as far as I could tell.Very bizarre and tragic
ReplyDeleteIn #15 you should also clarify that she was a first grader not a kindergartner.